Cite this article as:

Jun-wei Qiao, Yong Zhang, Ji-heng Li, and Guo-liang Chen, Strain rate response of a Zr-based composite fabricated by Bridgman solidification, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 17(2010), No. 2, pp.214-219.
Jun-wei Qiao, Yong Zhang, Ji-heng Li, and Guo-liang Chen, Strain rate response of a Zr-based composite fabricated by Bridgman solidification, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 17(2010), No. 2, pp.214-219.
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Strain rate response of a Zr-based composite fabricated by Bridgman solidification

摘要: Zr58.5Ti14.3Nb5.2Cu6.1Ni4.9Be11.0 bulk metallic glass matrix composites, containing β-Zr dendrites, were fabricated by Bridgman solidification at the withdrawal velocity of 1.0 mm/s through a temperature gradient of ∼45 K/mm. Subjected to the increasing compressive strain rates, the monotonic increasing and decreasing were obtained for the maximum strength and the fracture strain, respectively. The results show that high strain rate may induce the insufficient time for the interaction between shear bands and the crystalline phase, and early fracture occurs as a result. The fractographs are consistent with the mechanical properties, and the failure mode of the present Zr-based composites is in agreement with the frame of the ellipse criterion.


Strain rate response of a Zr-based composite fabricated by Bridgman solidification

Abstract: Zr58.5Ti14.3Nb5.2Cu6.1Ni4.9Be11.0 bulk metallic glass matrix composites, containing β-Zr dendrites, were fabricated by Bridgman solidification at the withdrawal velocity of 1.0 mm/s through a temperature gradient of ∼45 K/mm. Subjected to the increasing compressive strain rates, the monotonic increasing and decreasing were obtained for the maximum strength and the fracture strain, respectively. The results show that high strain rate may induce the insufficient time for the interaction between shear bands and the crystalline phase, and early fracture occurs as a result. The fractographs are consistent with the mechanical properties, and the failure mode of the present Zr-based composites is in agreement with the frame of the ellipse criterion.


