Cite this article as:

Zixiang Cui, Lu Zhang, Yongqiang Xue, Ya’nan Feng, Mengying Wang, Jiaojiao Chen, Boteng Ji, Chenyu Wang, and Yidi Xue, Effects of shape and particle size on the photocatalytic kinetics and mechanism of nano-CeO2, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 12, pp.2221-2231.
Zixiang Cui, Lu Zhang, Yongqiang Xue, Ya’nan Feng, Mengying Wang, Jiaojiao Chen, Boteng Ji, Chenyu Wang, and Yidi Xue, Effects of shape and particle size on the photocatalytic kinetics and mechanism of nano-CeO2, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 12, pp.2221-2231.
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摘要: 纳米材料因其优异的光催化性能而被广泛应用于许多领域。而其性能与催化动力学密切相关,但粒度和形貌对纳米材料光催化动力学的影响规律以及光催化动力学机理尚不完全清楚。本文制备了不同形貌和粒度的纳米CeO2,测定了吸附和光催化降解的动力学参数,并讨论了形貌和粒度对其吸附动力学、光催化动力学和光催化机理的影响。结果表明,粒度和形貌对纳米材料的光催化动力学有显著的影响。随着粒度的减小,相同形貌的纳米CeO2的吸附率和吸附速率常数增加,光催化降解率和降解速率常数也增加;球形纳米CeO2的吸附率,吸附速率常数,光催化降解率和光催化降解速率常数都大于线形纳米CeO2的;且吸附速率常数的对数和光降解速率常数的对数分别与直径的倒数呈现较好的线性关系;但形貌和粒度对整个光催化过程的动力学级数和机理没有影响。并提出了纳米材料光催化动力学的机理,推导了机理速率方程。纳米材料的光催化动力学机理分为溶液中的被降解物在纳米颗粒表面的吸附、被吸附物质在纳米颗粒表面的光催化降解反应和反应产物的解吸三个基元步骤,其中光降解产物的解吸为光催化动力学的控制步骤,并且光催化降解的动力学级数均为1级。上述纳米材料的光催化降解动力学机理是普遍化的,也就是说,所有的纳米材料均有相同的光催化动力学机理和动力学级数。我们提出的纳米材料的普遍化光催化动力学机理以及粒度和形貌对纳米CeO2光催化动力学的影响规律,可为其它纳米材料在光催化领域的研究和应用提供重要的指导和参考。


Effects of shape and particle size on the photocatalytic kinetics and mechanism of nano-CeO2

Abstract: Nanomaterials have been widely applied to many fields because of their excellent photocatalytic performance. The performance is closely related to the catalytic kinetics, but it is not completely clear about the influencing regularities of shape and particle size on the photocatalytic kinetics of nanomaterials and the photocatalytic kinetic mechanism. In this paper, nano-CeO2 with different shapes and particle sizes were prepared, the kinetic parameters of adsorption and photocatalytic degradation were determined, and the effects of shape and particle size on the kinetics of adsorption and photocatalysis and photocatalytic mechanism were discussed. The results show that the shape and particle size have significant influences. With the decreases of diameter, the performances of adsorption and photocatalysis of nano-CeO2 are improved; and these performances of spherical nano-CeO2 are greater than those of linear nano-CeO2. The shape and particle size have no effects on the kinetic order and mechanism of the whole photocatalytic process. Then a generalized mechanism of photocatalytic kinetics of nanomaterials was proposed and the mechanism rate equation was derived. Finally, the conclusion can be drawn: the desorption of photodegradation products is the control step of photocatalytic kinetics, and the kinetic order of photocatalytic degradation reaction is 1. The mechanism is universal and all nanomaterials have the same photocatalytic kinetic mechanism and order.


