Cite this article as:

Bowei Zhang, Hezu Wang, Yan Su, Wenguang Yang, Xuelong Hao, Zequn Zhang, Fengqin Wang, Wei Xue, and Junsheng Wu, Secondary phase precipitate-induced localized corrosion of pure aluminum anode for aluminum–air battery, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 5, pp.977-987.
Bowei Zhang, Hezu Wang, Yan Su, Wenguang Yang, Xuelong Hao, Zequn Zhang, Fengqin Wang, Wei Xue, and Junsheng Wu, Secondary phase precipitate-induced localized corrosion of pure aluminum anode for aluminum–air battery, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 5, pp.977-987.
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摘要: 铝空气电池由于铝阳极储量丰富、环保经济、配置简单、能量密度高等优势在能源领域显示出巨大的应用潜力。然而铝阳极在碱性电解质中的严重腐蚀大大限制了铝空气电池的实际应用,且有关铝阳极中二次相对腐蚀行为影响的报道很少。本文选用4种不同纯度的纯铝,并采用微观结构表征、电化学测试、原位腐蚀形貌观察、有限元模拟等手段,系统的探究了中二次相对纯铝阳极在碱性介质中局部腐蚀的影响。结果表明:纯铝中存在分布在晶内的团簇相及沿晶界分布的线条状析出相两种二次相,纯铝中的Al–Fe二次相几乎不溶于碱性溶液且在腐蚀过程中充当阴极相,在电偶作用的影响下导致其周围基体发生腐蚀。低纯度铝样品由于晶粒内和晶界处的大量二次相引起的强烈电偶腐蚀而遭受严重的腐蚀。相比之下,高纯铝样品由于二次相尺寸较小且含量较低,腐蚀现象较为轻微。准原位SEM观察表明,铝基体的快速溶解进一步促进了二次相的暴露及脱落。此外,基于有限元模型的模拟电流密度分布表明,二次相加速了团簇相及周围基体的腐蚀速率。本文深入研究了二次相在碱性介质中对纯铝腐蚀的影响,为铝空气电池阳极材料的设计提供了参考。


Secondary phase precipitate-induced localized corrosion of pure aluminum anode for aluminum–air battery

Abstract: Understanding the influence of purities on the electrochemical performance of pure aluminum (Al) in alkaline media for Al–air batteries is significant. Herein, we comprehensively investigate secondary phase precipitate (SPP)-induced localized corrosion of pure Al inNaOH solution mainly based on quasi-in-situ and cross-section observations under scanning electron microscopy coupled with finite element simulation. The experimental results indicate that Al–Fe SPPs appear as clusters and are coherent with the Al substrate. In alkaline media, Al–Fe SPPs exhibit more positive potentials than the substrate, thus aggravating localized galvanic corrosion as cathodic phases. Moreover, finite element simulation indicates that the irregular geometry coupled with potential difference produces the non-uniform current density distribution inside the SPP cluster, and the current density on the Al substrate gradually decreases with distance.


