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Volume 30 Issue 8
Aug.  2023

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Haiyong Cheng, Zemin Liu, Shunchuan Wu, Hong Li, Jiaqi Zhu, Wei Sun, and Guanzhao Jiang, Resistance characteristics of paste pipeline flow in a pulse-pumping environment, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 8, pp. 1596-1607. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-023-2644-3
Cite this article as:
Haiyong Cheng, Zemin Liu, Shunchuan Wu, Hong Li, Jiaqi Zhu, Wei Sun, and Guanzhao Jiang, Resistance characteristics of paste pipeline flow in a pulse-pumping environment, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 8, pp. 1596-1607. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-023-2644-3
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  • 通讯作者:

    李红    E-mail: lihongzxl@126.com

    朱加琦    E-mail: kust_zhujiaqi@163.com


  • (1) 基于复杂环管实验、流固耦合数值模拟和微观电镜扫描实验等,系统地研究了脉冲泵压环境下膏体流态和微观颗粒结构
  • (2) 提出了输送管道竖直下行+直管+倾斜下行的组合形式,减少弯管数量或提高弯管曲率半径,可有效减小管道阻力损失的规律
  • (3) 分析了不同管道布置形式下膏体流态差异性,提出了利用最大速度比和速度中心偏移值两流态参数对管道布置形式影响程度进行量化表征
  • 膏体充填是消除矿山工程地质灾害,实现矿山固废绿色处置及支撑深地资源安全回采的关键技术。但膏体浓度高、材料组成复杂,长距离管网输送存在输送阻力大、堵管爆管频发。文章基于复杂环管实验、流固耦合数值模拟和微观电镜扫描实验等,对脉冲泵压环境膏体流态和微观颗粒结构进行了深入分析。结果表明:复杂管网布置下,膏体流动阻力与管道曲率、角度存在紧密联系,采用竖直下行+直管+倾斜下行的组合形式,减少弯管数量或提高弯管曲率半径,可有效减小管道阻力损失。利用最大速度比和速度中心偏移值两流态参数可以对管道布置形式的差异性对阻力特性影响规律进行量化表征,相关性达到96%。颗粒分布状态、颗粒接触作用力会对膏体流动阻力产生影响,均匀的颗粒状态和较弱的颗粒间作用力有利于稳态输送。泵压脉冲环境,颗粒间接触作用显著增强,颗粒力链结构更加稳定,阻力损失有所增加,但弯管段颗粒偏移集聚现象减弱,膏体流态均匀性和颗粒运动稳定性显著提高。研究成果对实现安全、高效地膏体充填具有重要的工程意义。
  • Research Article

    Resistance characteristics of paste pipeline flow in a pulse-pumping environment

    + Author Affiliations
    • Paste flow patterns and microscopic particle structures were studied in a pressurized environment generated by a pulse pump. Complex loop-pipe experiments and fluid–solid coupling-based simulations were conducted. The scanning electron microscopy technique was also applied. Results revealed that flow resistance is closely related to pipeline curvature and angle in a complex pipe network. The vertical downward–straight pipe–inclined downward combination was adopted to effectively reduce the loss in resistance along with reducing the number of bends or increasing the radius of bend curvature. The maximum velocity ratio and velocity offset values could quantitatively characterize the influences of different pipeline layouts on the resistance. The correlation reached 96%. Particle distribution and interparticle forces affected flow resistance. Uniform particle states and weak interparticle forces were conducive to steady transport. Pulse pump pressure led to high flow resistance. It could improve pipe flow stability by increasing flow uniformity and particle motion stability. These results can contribute to safe and efficient paste filling.
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