Jinshan Wang, Feng Li, Si Zhao, Lituo Zheng, Yiyin Huang,  and Zhensheng Hong, Uniform nanoplating of metallic magnesium film on titanium dioxide nanotubes as a skeleton for reversible Na metal anode, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 10, pp. 1868-1877. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-023-2685-7
Cite this article as:
Jinshan Wang, Feng Li, Si Zhao, Lituo Zheng, Yiyin Huang,  and Zhensheng Hong, Uniform nanoplating of metallic magnesium film on titanium dioxide nanotubes as a skeleton for reversible Na metal anode, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 10, pp. 1868-1877. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12613-023-2685-7
Research Article

Uniform nanoplating of metallic magnesium film on titanium dioxide nanotubes as a skeleton for reversible Na metal anode

+ Author Affiliations
  • Corresponding authors:

    Lituo Zheng    E-mail: zhenglituo@fjnu.edu.cn

    Zhensheng Hong    E-mail: zshong@fjnu.edu.cn

  • Received: 27 March 2023Revised: 22 May 2023Accepted: 29 May 2023Available online: 31 May 2023
  • To meet the low-cost concept advocated by the sodium metal anode, this paper reports the use of a pulsed electrodeposition technology with ionic liquids as electrolytes to achieve uniform nanoplating of metallic magnesium films at around 20 nm on spaced titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanotubes (STNA-Mg). First, the sodiophilic magnesium metal coating can effectively reduce the nucleation overpotential of sodium metal. Moreover, three-dimensional STNA can limit the volume expansion during sodium metal plating and stripping to achieve the ultrastable deposition and stripping of sodium metals with a high Coulombic efficiency of up to 99.5% and a small voltage polarization of 5 mV in symmetric Na||Na batteries. In addition, the comparative study of sodium metal deposition behavior of STNA-Mg and STNA-Cu prepared by the same route further confirmed the advantage of magnesium metal to guide sodium metal growth. Finally, the prepared STNA-Mg–Na metal anode and commercial sodium vanadium phosphate cathode were assembled into a full cell, delivering a discharge capacity of 110.2 mAh·g−1 with a retention rate of 95.6% after 110 cycles at 1C rate.
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