The dynamic recrystallization (DRX) behavior of continuous columnar-grained (CCG) CuNi10Fe1Mn alloy was investigated by hot compression along the solidification direction (SD) and perpendicular to the solidification direction (PD). Specimens were compressed to a true strain of 0.8 at temperatures ranging from 25℃ to 900℃ and strain rates ranging from 0.01 to 10 s
-1. The results indicate that DRX nucleation at grain boundaries (GBs) and DRX nucleation at slip bands (SBs) are the two main nucleation modes. For SD specimens, C-shaped bending and zig-zagging of the GBs occurred during hot compression, which made DRX nucleation at the GBs easier than that at the SBs. When ln
Z ≤ 37.4 (
Z is the Zener–Hollomon parameter), DRX can occur in SD specimens with a critical temperature for the DRX onset of ~650℃ and a thermal activated energy (
Q) of 313.5 kJ·mol
-1. In contrast, in PD specimens, the GBs remained straight, and DRX nucleation occurred preferentially at the SBs. For PD specimens, the critical temperature is about 700℃,
Q is 351.7 kJ·mol
-1, and the occurrence condition of DRX is ln
Z ≤ 40.1. The zig-zagging of GB morphology can significantly reduce the nucleation energy at the GBs; as a result, DRX nucleation occurs more easily in SD specimens than in PD specimens.