High-velocity compaction is an advanced compaction technique to obtain high-density compacts at a compaction velocity of ≤ 10 m/s. It was applied to various metallic powders and was verified to achieve a density greater than 7.5 g/cm
3 for the Fe-based powders. The ability to rapidly and accurately predict the green density of compacts is important, especially as an alternative to costly and time-consuming materials design by trial and error. In this paper, we propose a machine-learning approach based on materials informatics to predict the green density of compacts using relevant material descriptors, including chemical composition, powder properties, and compaction energy. We investigated four models using an experimental dataset for appropriate model selection and found the multilayer perceptron model worked well, providing distinguished prediction performance, with a high correlation coefficient and low error values. Applying this model, we predicted the green density of nine materials on the basis of specific processing parameters. The predicted green density agreed very well with the experimental results for each material, with an inaccuracy less than 2%. The prediction accuracy of the developed method was thus confirmed by comparison with experimental results.