Copper matrix composites reinforced by
in situ-formed hybrid titanium boride whiskers (TiB
w) and titanium diboride particles (TiB
2p) were fabricated by powder metallurgy. Microstructural observations showed competitive precipitation behavior between TiB
w and TiB
2p, where the relative contents of the two reinforcements varied with sintering temperature. Based on thermodynamic and kinetic assessments, the precipitation mechanisms of the hybrid reinforcements were discussed, and the formation of both TiB
w and TiB
2p from the local melting zone was thermodynamically favored. The precipitation kinetics were mainly controlled by a solid-state diffusion of B atoms. By forming a compact compound layer,
in situ reactions were divided into two stages, where Zener growth and Dybkov growth prevailed, respectively. Accordingly, the competitive precipitation behavior was attributed to the transition of the growth model during the reaction process.