A Zn–38Al–3.5Cu–1.2Mg composite reinforced with nano-SiC
p was fabricated via stirring-assisted ultrasonic vibration. To improve the abrasive resistance of the Zn–38Al–3.5Cu–1.2Mg/SiC
p composite, several stabilization treatments with distinct solid solutions and aging temperatures were designed. The results indicated that the optimal stabilization treatment for the Zn–38Al–3.5Cu–1.2Mg/SiC
p composite comprised solution treatment at 380°C for 6 h and aging at 170°C for 48 h. The stabilization treatment led to the formation of dispersive and homogeneous nano-SiC
p. During the friction wear condition, the nano-SiC
p limited the microstructure evolution from the hard α(Al,Zn) phase to the soft β(Al,Zn) phase. Moreover, the increased amount of nano-SiC
p improved the grain dimension and contributed to the composite abrasive resistance. Furthermore, the stabilization treatment suppressed the crack initiation and propagation in the friction wear process, thereby improving the abrasive resistance of the Zn–38Al–3.5Cu–1.2Mg/SiC
p composite.