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Pengqi Chen, Yunxiao Tai, Huan Wu, Yufei Gao, Jiayu Chen, and Jigui Cheng, Novel confinement combustion method of nanosized WC/C for efficient electrocatalytic oxygen reduction, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 8, pp.1627-1634.
Pengqi Chen, Yunxiao Tai, Huan Wu, Yufei Gao, Jiayu Chen, and Jigui Cheng, Novel confinement combustion method of nanosized WC/C for efficient electrocatalytic oxygen reduction, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 8, pp.1627-1634.
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摘要: 碳化钨(WC)被认为是一种很有前途的、可以在化学反应中代替铂、铑等贵重金属的类铂催化剂。但是,就目前的研究来看,其电化学催化性能与贵金属相比还存在一定的差距,尚不具备实用价值。本文旨在制备一种高比表面积的WC/C催化剂进而获得高电氧化反应性能。本文将活性炭引入燃烧体系中,通过溶液燃烧—碳化两步法合成了WC/C纳米粉体,研究了活性炭加入量对WC/C复合材料结构,形貌和氧化还原性能的影响,探究了活性炭作为载体在氧化还原过程中的作用。研究结果表明,碳的加入提高了WC/C复合材料的比表面积,限制了WC长大,提高了粉体的导电性和稳定性。WC分布在活性炭的表面、孔洞和缝隙中,分布在孔洞中的WC颗粒直径约为40~100 nm,分散均匀,而活性炭表面的WC颗粒直径约为200 nm。当碳与偏钨酸铵的质量比为1:15时具有更正的还原峰电位为−0.24V,对应的电流密度为2.4 mV/cm2;具有更正的半波电位,表现出更好的催化活性,根据K–L公式得出电子转移数目为3.45,说明该反应主要以四电子过程为主。


Novel confinement combustion method of nanosized WC/C for efficient electrocatalytic oxygen reduction

Abstract: Nanosized tungsten carbide (WC)/carbon (C) catalyst was synthesized via a novel ultra-rapid confinement combustion synthesis method. The amount of activated carbon (AC) plays an important role in the morphology and structure, controlling both the precursor and final powder. The WC particles synthesized inside the pores of the AC had been 10–20 nm because of the confinement of the pore structure and the large specific surface area of AC. When used for oxygen reduction performance, the half-wave potential was −0.24 V, and the electron transfer number was 3.45, indicating the main reaction process was the transfer of four electrons. The detailed electrocatalytic performance and underlying mechanism were investigated in this work. Our study provides a novel approach for the design of catalysts with new compositions and new structures, which are significant for promoting the commercialization of fuel cells.


