Cite this article as:

Zexun Tang, Hongqi Ye, Xin Ma, and Kai Han, Effect of particle micro-structure on the electrochemical properties of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode material, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 8, pp.1618-1626.
Zexun Tang, Hongqi Ye, Xin Ma, and Kai Han, Effect of particle micro-structure on the electrochemical properties of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode material, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 8, pp.1618-1626.
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摘要: 锂离子电池正极材料LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2(简称NCM811)能量密度高,有望满足电动汽车长续航里程要求,近年来成为业内关注和研究的焦点。然而,NCM811存在表面碱度高,稳定性差,长循环下颗粒容易碎裂和粉化等问题,阻碍了其大规模应用。本文将三元材料进行单晶化研究,即将二次球颗粒熔融形成单晶颗粒,以期解决三元材料结构和表面稳定性差等问题,并探索在高电压体系使用可行性。实验结果表明,将锂与过渡金属配比设为1.05,在910°C下烧结12 h,可得到形貌较好的单晶NCM811材料,此时材料表面碱度和晶格Ni/Li阳离子混排度均较低,分别为0.288wt%和2.24%。电性能评估结果显示,该材料在3.0–4.3 V下克容量可达191.5mAh/g,同时高温和高电压下循环稳定性得到明显提升,在高温50°C下,3.0–4.4V电压区间内循环100周,容量保持率可达95.1%,而二次颗粒材料仅为88.5%。相比二次颗粒,单晶形态的NCM811材料虽然倍率性能会稍有下降,但结构和表面稳定性更佳,在高电压高能量密度体系具有较好的应用前景。


Effect of particle micro-structure on the electrochemical properties of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 cathode material

Abstract: Ni-rich layered material is a kind of high-capacity cathode to meet the requirement of electric vehicles. As for the typical LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 material, the particle formation is significant for electrochemical properties of the cathode. In this work, the structure, morphology, and electrochemical performance of LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 secondary particles and single crystals were systematically studied. A lower Ni2+/Ni3+ molar ratio of 0.66 and a lower residual alkali content of 0.228wt% were achieved on the surface of the single crystals. In addition, the single crystals showed a discharge capacity of 191.6 mAh/g at 0.2 C (~12 mAh/g lower than that of the secondary particles) and enhanced the electrochemical stability, especially when cycled at 50°C and in a wider electrochemical window (between 3.0 and 4.4 V vs. Li+/Li). The LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2 secondary particles were suitable for applications requiring high specific capacity, whereas single crystals exhibited better stability, indicating that they are more suitable for use in long life requested devices.


