Cite this article as:

Farai Michael Nyahuma, Liuting Zhang, Mengchen Song, Xiong Lu, Beibei Xiao, Jiaguang Zheng, and Fuying Wu, Significantly improved hydrogen storage behaviors in MgH2 with Nb nanocatalyst, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 9, pp.1788-1797.
Farai Michael Nyahuma, Liuting Zhang, Mengchen Song, Xiong Lu, Beibei Xiao, Jiaguang Zheng, and Fuying Wu, Significantly improved hydrogen storage behaviors in MgH2 with Nb nanocatalyst, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 9, pp.1788-1797.
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摘要: 氢能,一种高效的可再生能源,其大规模应用是实现碳达峰碳中和目标的重要途径。作为最具潜力的固体储氢材料之一,氢化镁(MgH2)具有储氢量高(7.6wt%)、可逆性好等优点而备受关注,但其仍存在热力学性能稳定和动力学性能缓慢的瓶颈问题。本文探讨了通过表面活性剂辅助球磨技术(SABM)制备的Nb纳米催化剂对MgH2储氢性能的优异改性效果。通过比较不同MgH2ywt%Nb(y = 0, 3, 5, 7, 9)复合材料的起始放氢温度、放氢容量和反应速率,确定了最佳的催化剂掺杂浓度。MgH2–5wt%Nb复合材料在186.7℃开始释放氢气,在脱氢过程中共释放了7.0wt%的氢气。此外,完全放氢的样品在100℃下30分钟内能吸收4.0wt%的氢气。循环测试结果显示,MgH2–5wt%Nb在20次循环后可以保持6.3wt%的H2容量(89.2%)。在MgH2中掺入Nb后,脱氢和加氢活化能值分别从140.51±4.74和70.67±2.07 kJ·mol−1降至90.04±2.83和53.46±3.33 kJ·mol−1。显微结构分析证明均匀分布的NbH作为活性催化单元,提高了MgH2的储氢性能。


Significantly improved hydrogen storage behaviors in MgH2 with Nb nanocatalyst

Abstract: The study explores the excellent modification effect of Nb nanocatalyst prepared via surfactant assisted ball milling technique (SABM) on the hydrogen storage properties of MgH2. Optimal catalyst doping concentration was determined by comparing onset decomposition temperature, released hydrogen capacity, and reaction rate for different MgH2ywt%Nb (y = 0, 3, 5, 7, 9) composites. The MgH2–5wt%Nb composite started releasing hydrogen at 186.7°C and a total of 7.0wt% hydrogen was released in the dehydrogenation process. In addition, 5wt% Nb doped MgH2 also managed to release 4.2wt% H2 within 14 min at 250°C and had the ability to absorb 4.0wt% hydrogen in 30 min at 100°C. Cycling tests revealed that MgH2–5wt%Nb could retain 6.3wt% H2 storage capacity (89.2%) after 20 cycles. Dehydrogenation and hydrogenation activation energy values were decreased from 140.51±4.74 and 70.67±2.07 kJ·mol−1 to 90.04±2.83 and 53.46±3.33 kJ·mol−1 after doping MgH2 with Nb, respectively. Microstructure analysis proved that homogeneously distributed NbH acted as active catalytic unit for improving the hydrogen storage performance of MgH2. These results indicate SABM can be considered as an option to develop other nanocatalysts for energy related areas.


