Cite this article as:

Chunmei Yu, Shan Ren, Guangwei Wang, Junjun Xu, Haipeng Teng, Tao Li, Chunchao Huang, and Chuan Wang, Kinetic analysis and modeling of maize straw hydrochar combustion using a multi-Gaussian-distributed activation energy model, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 3, pp.464-472.
Chunmei Yu, Shan Ren, Guangwei Wang, Junjun Xu, Haipeng Teng, Tao Li, Chunchao Huang, and Chuan Wang, Kinetic analysis and modeling of maize straw hydrochar combustion using a multi-Gaussian-distributed activation energy model, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 3, pp.464-472.
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摘要: 农林废弃生物质作为植物光合作用的产物,具有可再生、总量大、分布广和低污染的特点,是目前唯一具有可再生性能的含碳清洁燃料。相比于其它种类的可再生能源,生物质还具备良好的可存储性和易运输特点,将丰富的农林废弃生物质应用于炼铁生产将助力钢铁行业实现“双碳”目标。但农林废弃生物质也存在水分高,固定碳和发热值低,碱金属含量高和燃烧过程不稳定的缺点,不经提质处理难以满足炼铁生产对固体燃料的性能要求。本文采用水热炭化技术处理玉米秸秆制备水热炭产品,并采用多元高斯分布活化能模型(DAEM)研究玉米秸秆水热炭的燃烧动力学。结果表明,采用DAEM模型能够精确表征玉米秸秆以及玉米秸秆水热炭的燃烧动力学行为,玉米秸秆原料的燃烧过程可以分为四个阶段:半纤维素、纤维素、木质素和半焦的燃烧,玉米秸秆水热炭的燃烧可分为三种阶段:纤维素、木质素和半焦的燃烧。动力学计算表明纤维素、木质素和半焦燃烧的平均活化能范围为分别为273.7–292.8 kJ/mol、315.1–334.5 kJ/mol和354.4–370 kJ/mol,标准差分别为2.1–23.1 kJ/mol、9.5–27.4 kJ/mol和12.1–22.9 kJ/mol,随着水热炭化温度的升高,玉米秸秆水热炭中纤维素和木质素质量分数先升高后降低,而半焦的质量分数逐渐增加。


Kinetic analysis and modeling of maize straw hydrochar combustion using a multi-Gaussian-distributed activation energy model

Abstract: Combustion kinetics of the hydrochar was investigated using a multi-Gaussian-distributed activation energy model (DAEM) to expand the knowledge on the combustion mechanisms. The results demonstrated that the kinetic parameters calculated by the multi-Gaussian-DAEM accurately represented the experimental conversion rate curves. Overall, the feedstock combustion could be divided into four stages: the decomposition of hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, and char combustion. The hydrochar combustion could in turn be divided into three stages: the combustion of cellulose, lignin, and char. The mean activation energy ranges obtained for the cellulose, lignin, and char were 273.7–292.8, 315.1–334.5, and 354.4–370 kJ/mol, respectively, with the standard deviations of 2.1–23.1, 9.5–27.4, and 12.1–22.9 kJ/mol, respectively. The cellulose and lignin contents first increased and then decreased with increasing hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) temperature, while the mass fraction of char gradually increased.


