Cite this article as:

Yongfeng Cai, Ningning Song, Yunfei Yang, Lingmin Sun, Peng Hu, and Jinshu Wang, Recent progress of efficient utilization of titanium-bearing blast furnace slag, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 1, pp.22-31.
Yongfeng Cai, Ningning Song, Yunfei Yang, Lingmin Sun, Peng Hu, and Jinshu Wang, Recent progress of efficient utilization of titanium-bearing blast furnace slag, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 1, pp.22-31.
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摘要: 含钛高炉渣是含钛冶金渣中难以处理的一类硅铝酸盐固体废弃物,大量堆积的含钛高炉渣造成了严重的资源浪费和环境污染。因此,开发绿色、高效的含钛高炉渣利用途径是资源节约和环境保护的关键需求。在过去的几十年里,多种途径被用于含钛高炉渣高效利用的研究,并在研究含钛高炉渣的基本特征和开发高效方法等方面取得了重大进展。本文回顾了近年来高效利用含钛高炉渣的各类方法,从用作建筑材料的原料、碳化氯化法提钛、钛合金的制备、酸法、碱熔煅烧法和高温重结晶–富集等角度全面地介绍了高效利用含钛高炉渣的研究进展。重点讨论了各类方法的反应机制和目前的现状。然而,目前的利用方法在效率和成本上仍与实际应用相差很远。因此,开发清洁、高效、大规模利用含钛高炉渣的新方法仍然是一个重要的目标。要实现这一目标,需要重点研究以下三个方面:(1) 发展新兴的理论方法;(2) 开发全面可靠的热力学性质数据库;(3) 开发先进的表征方法。这一系统和全面的回顾将有利于设计高效和低成本的利用路线。


Recent progress of efficient utilization of titanium-bearing blast furnace slag

Abstract: Titanium-bearing blast furnace slag (BFS) has valuable compositions and potential environmental hazardousness. Thus, developing efficient and green approaches to utilize BFS is highly desired for resource economization and environmental protection. In the past decades, many attempts have been adopted to reuse BFS efficiently, and significant advances in understanding the fundamental features and the development of efficient approaches have been achieved. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the latest progress on the efficient utilization of BFS and discusses the mechanism and characteristics of various approaches, along with their application prospects. In particular, the extraction and enrichment of titanium-bearing phases from BFS are highlighted because of the high availability of titanium resources. This systemic and comprehensive review may benefit the design of new and green utilization routes with high efficiency and low cost.


