Cite this article as:

Huabao Yang, Yanfu Chai, Bin Jiang, Chao He, Junjie He, Qingshan Yang, and Ming Yuan, Enhanced mechanical properties of Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy sheets through slope extrusion, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 7, pp.1343-1350.
Huabao Yang, Yanfu Chai, Bin Jiang, Chao He, Junjie He, Qingshan Yang, and Ming Yuan, Enhanced mechanical properties of Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy sheets through slope extrusion, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 7, pp.1343-1350.
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摘要: 本文设计及采用了一种新型的挤压方法——斜坡挤压(SE),成功制备了AZ31镁合金板材。将其与采用常规挤压方法(CE)制备的AZ31板材,从组织、织构和室温力学性能等三方面进行综合比较。最终结果表明:由于在挤压前通过电火花线切割的方式成功在坯料中引入了倾斜界面,进而在挤压过程中会产生更多的不对称变形和沿板面方向更强的累积应变,故而经过斜坡挤压后的板材,其晶粒尺寸得到了显著的细化(平均晶粒尺寸从9.1 μm 下降至 7.7 和 5.6 μm),基面织构强度获得了明显提升(织构强度从11.5 mrd 增加至 19.8 mrd 和 25.4 mrd)。因此,经过斜坡挤压后的AZ31镁合金板材,其屈服强度(YS)和极限抗拉强度(UTS)均高对应常规挤压方法(CE)制备的AZ31板材,这主要是晶粒细化和织构强化的协同作用所导致。


Enhanced mechanical properties of Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy sheets through slope extrusion

Abstract: A novel extrusion approach, entitled slope extrusion (SE), was employed to manufacture AZ31 (Mg–3Al–1Zn, wt%) alloy sheets. The microstructures, textures, and mechanical properties were investigated, compared with those of the AZ31 sheet fabricated by conventional extrusion (CE). Through the combination of finite element simulation and actual experiment, the ultimate results indicated that significant grain refinement (from 9.1 to 7.7 and 5.6 μm) and strong basal texture (from 12.6 to 17.6 and 19.5 mrd) were achieved by the SE process. The essence was associated with the additional introduced inclined interface in the process of SE, which could bring about more asymmetric deformation and stronger accumulated strain along the ND when compared with the process of CE. As a consequence, the SE sheets exhibited a higher yield strength (YS) and ultimate tensile strength (UTS) than the counterparts of the CE sheet, which was mainly assigned to the synergistic effects from grain refining and texture strengthening.


