Cite this article as:

Qifeng Guo, Xun Xi, Shangtong Yang, and Meifeng Cai, Technology strategies to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality for China’s metal mines, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.626-634.
Qifeng Guo, Xun Xi, Shangtong Yang, and Meifeng Cai, Technology strategies to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality for China’s metal mines, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.626-634.
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摘要: 工业革命以来,与人类活动相关的温室气体排放导致了明显的气候变化。我国力争2030年前实现碳达峰,2060年前实现碳中和。本文综述分析了我国金属矿实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的科技战略。本文分析了全球金属矿开采相关的碳排放量与碳排放强度,梳理了中国金属矿开采现状趋势与碳排放情况,总结了实现我国金属矿山碳减排和碳封存的关键前沿技术,提出了我国金属矿开采实现碳中和的科技战略。研究结果表明,由于开采深度的增加和矿石品位的降低,未来金属矿开采碳减排面临巨大挑战。一些国际矿业巨头已开展了碳排放管理,做出了碳减排计划,并力争2050年前实现碳中和。提高开采效率和使用可再生能源替代化石燃料,是金属矿开采碳减排的核心思路。通过植被固碳,绿色矿山建设可显著减少碳排放。深部矿产和地热共采技术、废弃矿井地热开发技术,能够为矿山提供清洁能源,有利于实现金属矿碳中和目标。矿山充填体和尾矿固碳技术,可以安全永久地封存二氧化碳,有望使金属矿山实现净零排放甚至负碳排放。


Technology strategies to achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality for China’s metal mines

Abstract: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to human activities have significantly caused climate change since the Industrial Revolution. China aims to achieve its carbon emission peak before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060. Accordingly, this paper reviews and discusses technical strategies to achieve the “dual carbon” targets in China’s metal mines. First, global carbon emissions and emission intensities from metal mining industries are analyzed. The metal mining status and carbon emissions in China are then examined. Furthermore, advanced technologies for carbon mitigation and carbon sequestration in metal mines are reviewed. Finally, a technical roadmap for achieving carbon neutrality in China’s metal mines is proposed. Findings show that some international mining giants have already achieved their carbon reduction targets and planned to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Moreover, improving mining efficiency by developing advanced technologies and replacing fossil fuel with renewable energy are two key approaches in reducing GHG emissions. Green mines can significantly benefit from the carbon neutrality process for metal mines through the carbon absorption of reclamation vegetations. Geothermal energy extraction from operating and abandoned metal mines is a promising technology for providing clean energy and contributing to the carbon neutrality target of China’s metal mines. Carbon sequestration in mine backfills and tailings through mineral carbonation has the potential to permanently and safely store carbon dioxide, which can eventually make the metal mining industry carbon neutral or even carbon negative.


