Cite this article as:

Tongzhao Zhang, Hongguang Ji, Xiaobo Su, Shuang You, Daolu Quan, Zhou Zhang, and Jinzhe Li, Evaluation and classification of rock heterogeneity based on acoustic emission detection, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 12, pp.2117-2125.
Tongzhao Zhang, Hongguang Ji, Xiaobo Su, Shuang You, Daolu Quan, Zhou Zhang, and Jinzhe Li, Evaluation and classification of rock heterogeneity based on acoustic emission detection, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 12, pp.2117-2125.
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摘要: 对于深部岩石力学和地下工程而言,准确表征与评价岩石的非均质性,对于研究岩石在深部复杂环境下物理力学性质的变异性至关重要。由于岩石成分的复杂性和矿物分布的随机性,采用传统的图像观察方法难以准确的表述岩石的非均质性,因此,亟需寻找一种科学、实用的试验方法对岩石的非均质性进行表征评价。本文假设同种岩石具有相同的矿物几何特征及边界特征(即岩石的微观基质相同),岩石在破坏过程中强相矿物破坏的声发射信号相比于弱相矿物破坏的声发射信号较多。岩石巴西劈裂过程中轴线上的破裂可以近似的认为岩石内部强弱相矿物的依次破裂,通过统计不同应力阶段岩石的声发射信号特征可以间接的分析岩石内部强弱相矿物的差异性。基于此,通过定义岩石强弱相矿物占比及矿物空间分布的均匀性表征出了岩石的非均质性。之后选取不同特征变辉长岩和花岗岩验证了分析方法的科学性和实用性。最后,本文在岩石非均质性评价的基础上探究了岩石宏观力学参数与岩石非均质特征的相关性。单轴和三轴试验表明,岩石的峰值强度和弹性模量不仅仅与岩石强弱相矿物占比有关,也与岩石矿物空间分布的均匀性相关。


Evaluation and classification of rock heterogeneity based on acoustic emission detection

Abstract: For deep rock mechanics and subsurface engineering, accurately characterizing and evaluating rock heterogeneity as well as analyzing the correlation between the heterogeneity and physical and mechanical properties of rocks are critical. This study investigated the characteristics of acoustic emission signals produced in the process of strong and weak phase damage to rocks. The failure mechanisms of the strong and weak phases were analyzed by performing Brazilian splitting tests on different metagabbros and granites. The strong–weak phase ratio of the rocks and the uniformity of their spatial distribution were characterized. Test results show that as the feldspar develops, the strong-phase ratio of the metagabbro increases. However, the spatial distribution of feldspar minerals in the metagabbro becomes less uniform. The mineral spatial distribution uniformity in the altered granite is good; however, its strong-phase ratio is low. Furthermore, the strong-phase ratio of the typical granite is high; however, its mineral spatial distribution uniformity is poor. Moreover, uniaxial and triaxial test results show that the peak strength and elastic modulus of the rocks are related to the strong–weak phase ratio and mineral spatial distribution uniformity of the rocks. This study provides a new analytical method for the mechanical evaluation of deep rocks.


