This study fabricates an AZ31 magnesium alloy tube by spinning technology-power stagger forward spinning. The microstructure evolution of the tube is investigated by combining electron backscatter diffraction and transmission electron microscopy analysis, and the corrosion resistance is measured by an electrochemical corrosion test. Results show that the grains are obviously more uniform and finer along the wall thickness’s direction of the AZ31 alloy tube after the third spinning pass. The number of twins ascends first and then descends, while the varying trend of low-angle grain boundaries (LAGBs) is opposite to that of the twins as the spinning pass increases. With the increase of the total spinning deformation, the deformation texture initially increases and the
c-axis of the 0001 crystal plane gradually rotates to the axial direction of the tube; the deformation texture then decreases and the orientation of grains becomes more random. The main mechanism of grain refinement is dynamic recrystallization by the twin-induced way and bowing out of the nucleation at grain boundaries during the first and second pass. However, the dominant mechanism of the refined grain is the high-temperature dynamic recovery in the third pass, and the microstructure mainly consists of substructured grains. After the spinning deformation, the corrosion resistance of the AZ31 alloy tube decreases due to the combined effect of twins and high density-dislocations.