Cite this article as:

Shuize Wang, Zhijun Gao, Guilin Wu, and Xinping Mao, Titanium microalloying of steel: A review of its effects on processing, microstructure and mechanical properties, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.645-661.
Shuize Wang, Zhijun Gao, Guilin Wu, and Xinping Mao, Titanium microalloying of steel: A review of its effects on processing, microstructure and mechanical properties, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.645-661.
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摘要: 在碳中和的背景下,高强度钢铁材料的开发与应用是实现钢铁产业绿色低碳的必要选择。钛微合金化是在传统低合金钢中添加少量钛元素从而低成本地大幅提高材料力学性能的技术,可广泛应用于高强度级别的低合金钢。钛作为微合金元素在钢中以固溶和第二相的形式存在,通过细化晶粒和强烈的强化效果而调控钢铁材料的组织和性能。本文回顾了钛微合金化技术的发展历程,阐述了钛微合金钢的化学冶金和物理冶金学特征,重点讨论了钛微合金钢不同加工工艺阶段的相形成规律、组织结构演变、析出行为、力学性能,以及钛微合金化新型钢铁材料。同时,结合低碳经济的新时代背景,对钛微合金化技术未来的发展方向,以及钛微合金化技术在钢铁材料中的应用进行了展望。


Titanium microalloying of steel: A review of its effects on processing, microstructure and mechanical properties

Abstract: Carbon neutrality of the steel industry requires the development of high-strength steel. The mechanical properties of low-alloy steel can be considerably improved at a low cost by adding a small amount of titanium (Ti) element, namely Ti microalloying, whose performance is related to Ti-contained second phase particles including inclusions and precipitates. By proper controlling the precipitation behaviors of these particles during different stages of steel manufacture, fine-grained microstructure and strong precipitation strengthening effects can be obtained in low-alloy steel. Thus, Ti microalloying can be widely applied to produce high strength steel, which can replace low strength steels heavily used in various areas currently. This article reviews the characteristics of the chemical and physical metallurgies of Ti microalloying and the effects of Ti microalloying on the phase formation, microstructural evolution, precipitation behavior of low-carbon steel during the steel making process, especially the thin slab casting and continuous rolling process and the mechanical properties of final steel products. Future development of Ti microalloying is also proposed to further promote the application of Ti microalloying technology in steel to meet the requirement of low-carbon economy.


