Cite this article as:

Hiroyuki Matsuura, Xiao Yang, Guangqiang Li, Zhangfu Yuan, and Fumitaka Tsukihashi, Recycling of ironmaking and steelmaking slags in Japan and China, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.739-749.
Hiroyuki Matsuura, Xiao Yang, Guangqiang Li, Zhangfu Yuan, and Fumitaka Tsukihashi, Recycling of ironmaking and steelmaking slags in Japan and China, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.739-749.
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摘要: 钢铁生产过程产生大量的副产品炉渣,作为一种常见的工业废弃物,炉渣的妥善处理对于钢铁工业的可持续发展有至关重要的影响。日本和中国均在积极推动钢铁清洁生产,炉渣减量以及回收利用是重要的一环。日本钢铁工业起步较早,很早开始就重视炉渣回收技术的开发,在基础研究以及技术应用等方面投入较多,不仅开发了各种炉渣减量技术,还建立了各种以高炉铁渣或转炉钢渣用作原料的建筑材料制造工艺,基本上实现了炉渣的完全利用。然而由于日本经济发展缓慢,预期今后随着基础建设项目的减少,炉渣的全面回收将变得困难,因此探索炉渣的新用途是目前日本炉渣回收技术研究开发优先发展的领域。中国是全球最大的钢铁生产国,每年各类炉渣的产量超过1亿吨,尽管中国的炉渣处理与回收技术取得了一定的发展,但由于总量庞大,综合回收率尚处于低位,目前中国的炉渣回收技术开发的首要目标是提高利用率,现有技术和工艺的优化是研究的重心。本文概述了日本和中国钢铁行业炉渣排放和回收的现状,介绍了日本近年来的主要研究活动以及在钢渣海洋利用领域的最新基础研究进展,介绍了中国在炉渣回收领域的主要产业化技术以及应用情况,对两国面临的主要挑战以及今后的技术发展趋势进行了讨论。


Recycling of ironmaking and steelmaking slags in Japan and China

Abstract: The mass production of steel is inevitably accompanied by large quantities of slags. The treatment of ironmaking and steelmaking slags is a great challenge in the sustainable development of the steel industry. Japan and China are two major steel producing countries that have placed a large emphasis on developing new technologies to decrease slag emission or promote slag valorization. Slags are almost completely reused or recycled in Japan. However, due to stagnant infrastructural investments, future applications of slags in conventional sectors are expected to be difficult. Exploring new functions or applications of slags has become a research priority in Japan. For example, the utilization of steelmaking slags in offshore seabeds to create marine forests is under development. China is the top steel producer in the world. The utilization ratios of ironmaking and steelmaking slags have risen steadily in recent years, driven largely by technological advances. For example, hot stage processing of slags for materials as well as heat recovery techniques has been widely applied in steel plants with good results. However, increasing the utilization ratio of basic oxygen furnace slags remains a major challenge. Technological innovations in slag recycling are crucial for the steel industries in Japan and China. Here, the current status and developing trends of utilization technologies of slags in both countries are reviewed.


