Cite this article as:

Xiang Fang, Wei Wang, François Brisset, Anne-Laure Helbert, and Thierry Baudin, Microstructure and texture evolution of nonoriented silicon steel during the punching process, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 11, pp.2064-2071.
Xiang Fang, Wei Wang, François Brisset, Anne-Laure Helbert, and Thierry Baudin, Microstructure and texture evolution of nonoriented silicon steel during the punching process, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 11, pp.2064-2071.
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摘要: 无取向硅钢是电机铁芯所需要的重要软磁材料。目前,生产过程中主要借助冲裁工艺制备电机铁芯的叠片。冲裁工艺会使得无取向硅钢的切割边缘产生形变,从而导致其织构发生演变,进而影响叠片的磁性能。本文旨在研究无取向硅钢冲裁边缘的塑性形变机制,组织及织构演变机理。为了方便研究,本文首先借助钝化模具制备了在冲裁边缘具备较宽变形区域的圆形样品。随后,沿板材轧制方向和横向在圆形样品的冲裁边缘分别选取了一个观测点,并借助电子背散射技术(EBSD)分析了两个观测点的形变机制,组织和织构演变。研究表明两个观测点的形变机制和组织演变相似。由于形变机制相同,样品冲裁边缘两个观测点的织构演变规律也相似。钝化模具使得样品冲裁边缘明显的分为无弯曲,连续弯曲和整体弯曲三个区域。无弯曲和连续弯曲区域的主要形变机制是位错滑移,这一机制促进了221纤维织构的形成。整体弯曲区域主要处于冲裁边缘的端部,该区域的形变机制包括位错滑移和微观剪切带的形成,其中微观剪切带的形成导致该区域的织构由原始111纤维织构发生向110纤维织构的转变。


Microstructure and texture evolution of nonoriented silicon steel during the punching process

Abstract: The iron core of a motor is mainly manufactured from rolled nonoriented silicon steel using a punching process that leads to deformation and texture evolution at the cutting edge. According to this process, circular samples of nonoriented silicon steel were prepared by punching using blunt punch tools. In this work, two positions along the rolling and transverse directions at the cutting edge were analyzed. The main mechanisms of deformation for both positions are dislocation slip and formation of shear bands. These two mechanisms lead to similar texture evolutions for both positions. The dislocation slip leads to the formation of the \left\221\right\\left\langleuvw\right\rangle component in the unbending area (200 µm away from the cutting edge) and intermediate continuum-bent area. Additionally, the evolution of the texture from the \left\111\right\ γ fiber to the \left\110\right\ fiber was observed at the extremity of the cutting edge with the formation of shear bands.


