Cite this article as:

Endian Fan, Yong Li, Yang You, and Xuewei Lü, Effect of crystallographic orientation on crack growth behaviour of HSLA steel, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 8, pp.1532-1542.
Endian Fan, Yong Li, Yang You, and Xuewei Lü, Effect of crystallographic orientation on crack growth behaviour of HSLA steel, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 8, pp.1532-1542.
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摘要: 低合金钢被广泛应用于海洋工程设备,其服役安全性受环境腐蚀制约。高强低合金钢在服役过程中除了受海风、海浪等环境作用力,还需承受自身重力和工作运行带来的应力,容易诱发应力腐蚀并导致断裂失效。当裂纹萌生后。高强低合金钢腐蚀断裂行为受裂纹尖端力学–电化学行为控制,其腐蚀动力学不同于金属表面,因此对应力腐蚀裂纹扩展行为的研究需要从裂纹尖端力学–电化学交互作用角度展开。本文基于裂纹尖端力学–电化学交互作用,从三维角度研究了高强低合金E690钢晶体取向对裂纹扩展行为的影响。结果表明,高强低合金钢晶体取向的变化对裂纹尖端电化学反应和裂纹扩展机制没有影响,但会改变裂纹扩展速率。当应力加载方向与轧制方向平行,同时断裂层与横向–法向面平行时,裂纹扩展速度最慢,其值为0.0185 mm·h–1。当载荷方向与法线方向平行,断裂层平行于轧制–横向面时,裂纹扩展速率最高,其值为0.0309 mm·h–1,这种现象归因于E690钢板在轧制方向、法向方向和横向方向上的不同组织结构和力学性能。


Effect of crystallographic orientation on crack growth behaviour of HSLA steel

Abstract: In this work, the crack growth behaviours of high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel E690 with three crystallographic orientations (the rolling direction, normal direction, and transverse direction) were investigated and compared from the view of the mechano-electrochemical effect at the crack tip. The results show that the crack growth of the HSLA steel is controlled by the corrosion fracture at the crack tip. The variation of crystallographic orientation in E690 steel plate has no influence on the crack tip electrochemical reaction and crack growth mechanism, but changes the crack growth rate. When the stress loading direction is parallel to the rolling direction and the fracture layer is parallel to the transverse-normal plane, the crack growth rate is the slowest with a value of 0.0185 mm·h–1. When the load direction and the fracture layer are parallel to the normal direction and the rolling-transverse plane, respectively, the crack growth rate is the highest with a value of 0.0309 mm·h–1. This phenomenon is ascribed to the different microstructural and mechanical properties in the rolling direction, normal direction, and transverse direction of E690 steel plate.


