Cite this article as:

Ya Chen, Kailun Zhang, Na Li, Wei Guan, Zhiyuan Li, Haosen Chen, Shuqiang Jiao, and Weili Song, Electrochemically triggered decoupled transport behaviors in intercalated graphite: From energy storage to enhanced electromagnetic applications, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 1, pp.33-43.
Ya Chen, Kailun Zhang, Na Li, Wei Guan, Zhiyuan Li, Haosen Chen, Shuqiang Jiao, and Weili Song, Electrochemically triggered decoupled transport behaviors in intercalated graphite: From energy storage to enhanced electromagnetic applications, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 1, pp.33-43.
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摘要: 热解石墨含有高定向石墨烯层,表现出各向异性电输运和热输运行为,因而在电子器件、电催化和储能领域具有广泛应用。针对铝配离子AlCl— 4嵌入/脱出热解石墨对其输运性质的影响机制问题,本文开展了脱嵌过程中不同阶结构热解石墨的电子结构、晶体结构以及输运行为演化的研究。建立了微观阶结构与宏观电化学性质及充放电平台之间的关系,揭示了铝配离子嵌入后在石墨价带中引入空穴,增加载流子浓度从而提升电子电导率的新机制;明确了AlCl— 4铝配离子直径可以加权平均系数的方式改变电导率,建立了电导率随充放电状态变化的定量模型;随着铝配离子嵌入,电子电导率可提升至原始高定向石墨的3.8倍(40858 S·cm−1),比原始石墨表现出更好的电磁屏蔽性能。


Electrochemically triggered decoupled transport behaviors in intercalated graphite: From energy storage to enhanced electromagnetic applications

Abstract: Pyrolytic graphite (PG) with highly aligned graphene layers, present anisotropic electrical and thermal transport behavior, which is attractive in electronic, electrocatalyst and energy storage. Such pristine PG could meeting the limit of electrical conductivity (~2.5 × 104 S·cm−1), although efforts have been made for achieving high-purity sp2 hybridized carbon. For manipulating the electrical conductivity of PG, a facile and efficient electrochemical strategy is demonstrated to enhance electrical transport ability via reversible intercalation/de-intercalation of \rm AlCl^-_4 into the graphitic interlayers. With the stage evolution at different voltages, variable electrical and thermal transport behaviors could be achieved via controlling \rm AlCl^-_4 concentrations in the PG because of substantial variation in the electronic density of states. Such evolution leads to decoupled electrical and thermal transport (opposite variation trend) in the in-plane and out-of-plane directions, and the in-plane electrical conductivity of the pristine PG (1.25 × 104 S·cm−1) could be massively promoted to 4.09 × 104 S·cm−1 (\rm AlCl^-_4 intercalated PG), much better than the pristine bulk graphitic papers used for the electrical transport and electromagnetic shielding. The fundamental mechanism of decoupled transport feature and electrochemical strategy here could be extended into other anisotropic conductive bulks for achieving unusual behaviors.


