Cite this article as:

Debasis Saran, Atul Kumar, Sivaiah Bathula, David Klaumünzer, and Kisor K Sahu, Review on the phosphate-based conversion coatings of magnesium and its alloys, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 7, pp.1435-1452.
Debasis Saran, Atul Kumar, Sivaiah Bathula, David Klaumünzer, and Kisor K Sahu, Review on the phosphate-based conversion coatings of magnesium and its alloys, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 7, pp.1435-1452.
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摘要: 镁(Mg)及其合金具有轻量化、生物相容性和高强度重比等特点,适用于航空航天、汽车、医疗等行业,但是它们对腐蚀的高敏感性,限制了它们的可用性。 目前,主要采用涂层或保护膜等表面处理技术来提高镁及其合金的防腐蚀性是一种常见且有效的手段。其中,化学转化膜 (CCs) 是通过金属基体与腐蚀液发生化学反应而形成的一种保护膜,因此,它与其他类型的保护膜或涂层有着根本的区别,是一种特殊的类型。常见的化学转化膜中铬酸盐基CCs的性能优于磷酸盐基CCs,但它们会释放致癌的六价铬离子(Cr6+)。 故此,磷酸盐基CCs被认为是一种经济、环保的替代品之一。 本文主要关注不同类型的磷酸盐基CCs,如锌、钙、镁、钒和锰的磷酸盐,以及磷酸盐–高锰酸盐。 重点讨论了它们的作用机理、现状、预处理方法以及pH、温度、浸泡时间、镀液成分等参数对各类磷酸盐基转化膜性能的影响。 阐述了磷酸盐化学转化膜技术面临的一些挑战和未来的研究方向。


Review on the phosphate-based conversion coatings of magnesium and its alloys

Abstract: Magnesium (Mg) and its alloys are lightweight as well as biocompatible and possess a high strength-to-weight ratio, making them suitable for many industries, including aerospace, automobile, and medical. The major challenge is their high susceptibility to corrosion, thereby limiting their usability. The considerably lower reduction potential of Mg compared to other metals makes it vulnerable to galvanic coupling. The oxide layer on Mg offers little corrosion resistance because of its high porosity, inhomogeneity, and fragility. Chemical conversion coatings (CCs) belong to a distinct class because of underlying chemical reactions, which are fundamentally different from other types of coating. Typically, a CC acts as an intermediate sandwich layer between the base metal and an aesthetic paint. Although chromate CCs offer superior performance compared to phosphate CCs, yet still they release carcinogenic hexavalent chromium ions (Cr6+); therefore, their use is prohibited in most European nations under the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals legislation framework. Phosphate-based CCs are a cost-effective and environment-friendly alternative. Accordingly, this review primarily focuses on different types of phosphate-based CCs, such as zinc, calcium, Mg, vanadium, manganese, and permanganate. It discusses their mechanisms, current status, pretreatment practices, and the influence of various parameters—such as pH, temperature, immersion time, and bath composition—on the coating performance. Some challenges associated with phosphate CCs and future research directions are also elaborated.


