Cite this article as:

Seshadri Seetharaman, Lijun Wang, and Haijuan Wang, Slags containing transition metal (chromium and vanadium) oxides—Conversion from ticking bombs to valuable resources: Collaborative studies between KTH and USTB, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.750-757.
Seshadri Seetharaman, Lijun Wang, and Haijuan Wang, Slags containing transition metal (chromium and vanadium) oxides—Conversion from ticking bombs to valuable resources: Collaborative studies between KTH and USTB, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.750-757.
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摘要: 随着钢铁工业在世界范围内的高速发展,含过渡金属元素(尤其是铬和钒)的废渣量也相应增加,这对环境造成了严重的威胁。因此深入了解含过渡金属氧化物炉渣的性质,以及如何利用渣来回收和利用有价值的金属是至关重要的。为此,北京科技大学(USTB)和瑞典皇家工学院(KTH)几十年来一直就含过渡金属元素的炉渣方面进行合作研究。这些研究从基础研究的角度出发,更好地了解含过渡金属元素炉渣的结构和性能,并开展了工业实验。研究主要集中三“R”,即过渡金属元素的保留(retention)、回收(recovery)和利用(recycling)。本文着重介绍了USTB和KTH联合开展的相关研究的一些重要成果,主要包括铬和钒氧化物的热力学活度研究以及渣中Cr和V价态的测定、含有铬元素的渣的硫容和结构、采用CO2–O2混合气体对含铬合金钢脱碳影响研究、渣中V元素的气化回收以及渣中过渡金属氧化物熔盐法回收提取新工艺等几个方面。


Slags containing transition metal (chromium and vanadium) oxides—Conversion from ticking bombs to valuable resources: Collaborative studies between KTH and USTB

Abstract: As the steel industry expands worldwide, slag dumps with transition metals (especially chromium and vanadium) are becoming more common, posing a serious environmental threat. Understanding the properties of slags containing transition metal oxides, as well as how to use the slags to recover and recycle metal values, is critical. Toward this end, the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) and Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) have been collaborating on slags containing transition metals for decades. The research was carried out from a fundamental viewpoint to get a better understanding of the structure of these slags and their properties, as well as industrial practices. The research focused on the three “R”s, viz. retention, recovery, and recycling. The present paper attempts to highlight some of the important achievements in these joint studies.


