Cite this article as:

Yunsong Liu, Enhui Wang, Linchao Xu, Tao Yang, Zhijun He, Tongxiang Liang, and Xinmei Hou, Synthesis of CA6/AlON composite with enhanced slag resistance, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 4, pp.756-765.
Yunsong Liu, Enhui Wang, Linchao Xu, Tao Yang, Zhijun He, Tongxiang Liang, and Xinmei Hou, Synthesis of CA6/AlON composite with enhanced slag resistance, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 4, pp.756-765.
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摘要: 六铝酸钙(CA6)作为一种具有优异综合性能的高温陶瓷备受关注。然而,CA6独特的磁铅石结构容易导致晶粒各向异性生长形成板片状,不利于CA6烧结致密化,当用作钢包内衬耐火材料时易因气孔率高导致其耐熔渣侵蚀和渗透能力下降。因此,提高CA6的烧结致密性是目前亟需解决的问题。已有研究表明,第二相的加入是提高材料致密化的有效方法之一。受此启发,本文分别采用一步法和两步法在CA6中加入不同量的AlON来提高CA6的致密度进而提升其抗渣性能。其中,以Al2O3、CaCO3和Al的混合物为原料的一步法制备过程中容易形成AlON团簇,最终导致CA6/AlON复合材料孔隙率偏高。采用两步法时,先分别制备CA6和AlON,然后将两者混匀并再次进行烧结,可形成CA6和AlON均匀分布的复合材料。进一步通过实验优化,两步法中AlON的最佳添加量被确定为10wt%。在此条件下,CA6/AlON复合材料的显气孔率(20%)相较于纯CA6(29%)得到了明显改善。最后,以纯CA6为对照组的试验表明,采用两步法制备的CA6/AlON复合材料具有更好的抗熔渣腐蚀性能。原因主要有以下两个方面:(1)AlON的加入会在很大程度上减少CA6/AlON复合材料的孔隙率,并且会降低复合材料在熔渣中的润湿性;(2)AlON会被熔渣释放的O2−离子氧化生成Al2O3,Al2O3与Ca2+和O2−离子发生反应,形成致密连续的CA2层,可有效抑制熔渣的进一步渗透和腐蚀,从而提高CA6/AlON复合材料的抗渣性能。


Synthesis of CA6/AlON composite with enhanced slag resistance

Abstract: Different amounts of AlON have been introduced in calcium hexaaluminate (CA6) using two approaches, that is, one-step and two-step methods, to improve the slag resistance of CA6. A one-step method can directly sinter the mixtures combining Al2O3, CaCO3, and Al in flowing nitrogen, in which AlON clusters are always formed because of the poor wettability of Al by Al2O3, leading to the high porosity of CA6/AlON composite. In a two-step method, CA6 and AlON are prepared separately and then mixed and sintered in flowing nitrogen. Compared with the sample prepared by the one-step method, CA6 and AlON in composite by the two-step method are more uniformly distributed, and the optimized amount of AlON added is 10wt%. The slag corrosion and penetration test shows that the CA6/AlON composite using the two-step method exhibits superior slag corrosion protection. The promoted effect of AlON on slag penetration and corrosion resistance is also discussed.


