Cite this article as:

Yanqi Zhao, Tongtong Zhang, Li Sun, Xiaowei Zhao, Lige Tong, Li Wang, Jianning Ding, and Yulong Ding, Energy storage for black start services: A review, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.691-704.
Yanqi Zhao, Tongtong Zhang, Li Sun, Xiaowei Zhao, Lige Tong, Li Wang, Jianning Ding, and Yulong Ding, Energy storage for black start services: A review, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.691-704.
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摘要: 近年来可再生能源发电方式得到了快速发展,而风能、光能等可再生能源的间歇问题对电网稳定性造成了挑战。当前应对突发停电主要依靠柴油、燃气发电机等传统发电方式进行黑启动,急需替换为具有高功率、高容量、快速响应、低碳排放的储能系统以实现可再生能源电站的高效恢复。本文对包括电能、热能、机械能等储能方式在黑启动中应用进行综述。首先提出了基于储能的电网黑启动系统存在包括成本高、供应弹性差等关键问题。其次,介绍了基于储能的电网黑启动系统配置与黑启动步骤,分析比较了包括锂电池、液流电池、高温储热、液态空气、飞轮、压缩空气、抽水蓄能等不同储能技术在电网黑启动应用中优缺点。结果表明,基于混合储能技术的电网黑启动系统可通过弥补单个储能技术缺点实现快响应、低成本、高功率、长时间的高效黑启动。


Energy storage for black start services: A review

Abstract: With the increasing deployment of renewable energy-based power generation plants, the power system is becoming increasingly vulnerable due to the intermittent nature of renewable energy, and a blackout can be the worst scenario. The current auxiliary generators must be upgraded to energy sources with substantially high power and storage capacity, a short response time, good profitability, and minimal environmental concern. Difficulties in the power restoration of renewable energy generators should also be addressed. The different energy storage methods can store and release electrical/thermal/mechanical energy and provide flexibility and stability to the power system. Herein, a review of the use of energy storage methods for black start services is provided, for which little has been discussed in the literature. First, the challenges that impede a stable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective energy storage-based black start are identified. The energy storage-based black start service may lack supply resilience. Second, the typical energy storage-based black start service, including explanations on its steps and configurations, is introduced. Black start services with different energy storage technologies, including electrochemical, thermal, and electromechanical resources, are compared. Results suggest that hybridization of energy storage technologies should be developed, which mitigates the disadvantages of individual energy storage methods, considering the deployment of energy storage-based black start services.


