Cite this article as:

Guanzhou Qiu, and Yufeng Guo, Current situation and development trend of titanium metal industry in China, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.599-610.
Guanzhou Qiu, and Yufeng Guo, Current situation and development trend of titanium metal industry in China, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.599-610.
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摘要: 金属钛及钛合金等高端钛材是我国高科技发展的关键支撑材料,对提升我国综合国力具有战略意义。钛应用量和钛工业发展水平是国家综合实力的重要标志。目前,我国高端钛材生产原料依赖进口,原料及加工成本高,产品结构失衡,严重制约高端钛材的应用量和应用水平。针对我国钛资源禀赋差的特点及钛产业现状,应从钛工业全产业链出发,上游提升原料品质,加快开发利用我国高钙镁钛资源生产出低成本高端钛材,中游发展钢钛联合生产,降低钛材加工成本,下游健全消费结构,扩大钛材的应用市场,全面提升我国钛工业水平,加快推进我国科技强国建设。


Current situation and development trend of titanium metal industry in China

Abstract: Titanium metal and alloy are key materials for technological development, which significantly promote the development of the high-tech economy in China. The consumption of high-end titanium materials and the developmental level of the titanium industry are important indexes of a country’s comprehensive power. However, at present, the application amount and level of high-end titanium materials in China are limited by many factors, including the dependence of raw materials on imports, high processing cost, and structural imbalance of products. Based on the characteristics of titanium resources and the current situation of the titanium industry, the whole titanium industrial chain in China should be updated. Improving the quality of raw materials is important to produce low-cost, high-end titanium materials using titanium resources with high calcium and magnesium contents in the Panxi region. In addition, the steel–titanium joint production is a vital step to reduce the processing cost of titanium materials. Moreover, the consumption structure of titanium materials should be completed to expand their application. Gradually implementing these suggestions, the overall level of China’s titanium industry will be greatly improved, thereby rapidly establishing an advanced scientific and technological country.


