Cite this article as:

Xiaojia Yang, Jike Yang, Ying Yang, Qing Li, Di Xu, Xuequn Cheng, and Xiaogang Li, Data-mining and atmospheric corrosion resistance evaluation of Sn- and Sb-additional low alloy steel based on big data technology, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.825-835.
Xiaojia Yang, Jike Yang, Ying Yang, Qing Li, Di Xu, Xuequn Cheng, and Xiaogang Li, Data-mining and atmospheric corrosion resistance evaluation of Sn- and Sb-additional low alloy steel based on big data technology, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 4, pp.825-835.
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摘要: 机器学习和腐蚀大数据技术是腐蚀科学研究领域的最新方法。腐蚀科学研究最大挑战是准确预测材料在既定环境中的腐蚀失效方式。腐蚀大数据技术是利用数学方法探寻挖掘海量腐蚀数据的相关性,并推断其发生腐蚀的概率。本研究采用腐蚀大数据评价方法和机器学习的数据挖掘方法,研究了Sb、Sn以及环境因素对低合金钢腐蚀行为的影响。结果表明,腐蚀时钟图、累计腐蚀量图可反映出Sn及Sb添加的低合金钢腐蚀行为的演变,0.05wt%Sn及0.10wt%Sb添加总体可以提高低合金钢的耐蚀性。同时,基于随机森林的数据挖掘方法分析表明Sn、Sb及环境因子对低合金钢腐蚀行为的影响权重会随着时间的变化而变化。总之,利用腐蚀大数据方法可以区分微合金元素Sn与Sb对低合金钢耐蚀性的影响。


Data-mining and atmospheric corrosion resistance evaluation of Sn- and Sb-additional low alloy steel based on big data technology

Abstract: Machine-learning and big data are among the latest approaches in corrosion research. The biggest challenge in corrosion research is to accurately predict how materials will degrade in a given environment. Corrosion big data is the application of mathematical methods to huge amounts of data to find correlations and infer probabilities. It is possible to use corrosion big data method to distinguish the influence of the minimal changes of alloying elements and small differences in microstructure on corrosion resistance of low alloy steels. In this research, corrosion big data evaluation methods and machine learning were used to study the effect of Sb and Sn, as well as environmental factors on the corrosion behavior of low alloy steels. Results depict corrosion big data method can accurately identify the influence of various factors on corrosion resistance of low alloy and is an effective and promising way in corrosion research.


