Cite this article as:

Xin Lu, Weijian Tian, Hui Li, Xinjian Li, Kui Quan, and Hao Bai, Decarbonization options of the iron and steelmaking industry based on a three-dimensional analysis, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 2, pp.388-400.
Xin Lu, Weijian Tian, Hui Li, Xinjian Li, Kui Quan, and Hao Bai, Decarbonization options of the iron and steelmaking industry based on a three-dimensional analysis, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 2, pp.388-400.
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摘要: 脱碳是实现钢铁冶炼等碳基能源密集型行业碳达峰的关键手段。本研究提出了一种三维低碳分析方法,从资源利用(Y)、能源利用(Q)和能源清洁度(PGEF)三个维度,探讨钢铁企业的脱碳途径。本文对钢铁冶金长流程及其各工序、短流程电弧炉 (EAF)工艺、典型直接还原(DR)工艺及熔融还原(SR)工艺进行了三维低碳比较分析。研究表明,在研究钢铁行业脱碳路线时,考虑三维因素,特别是能源结构的影响对定量评价钢铁冶金新技术或新工艺的低碳效果具有重要意义。促进废钢回收(资源利用的优化)和碳基能源的替代(PGEF的优化)对实现钢铁行业低碳目标尤其重要。在工艺尺度方面,大力发展以废钢或者直接还原铁为原料的电弧炉短流程工艺是实现低碳目标的关键。该三维碳分析方法也可推广应用于其他诸如水泥生产和火力发电等能源密集型行业的低碳分析和评价。


Decarbonization options of the iron and steelmaking industry based on a three-dimensional analysis

Abstract: Decarbonization is a critical issue for peaking CO2 emissions of energy-intensive industries, such as the iron and steel industry. The decarbonization options of China’s ironmaking and steelmaking sector were discussed based on a systematic three-dimensional low-carbon analysis from the aspects of resource utilization (Y), energy utilization (Q), and energy cleanliness which is evaluated by a process general emission factor (PGEF) on all the related processes, including the current blast furnace (BF)–basic oxygen furnace (BOF) integrated process and the specific sub-processes, as well as the electric arc furnace (EAF) process, typical direct reduction (DR) process, and smelting reduction (SR) process. The study indicates that the three-dimensional aspects, particularly the energy structure, should be comprehensively considered to quantitatively evaluate the decarbonization road map based on novel technologies or processes. Promoting scrap utilization (improvement of Y) and the substitution of carbon-based energy (improvement of PGEF) in particular is critical. In terms of process scale, promoting the development of the scrap-based EAF or DR–EAF process is highly encouraged because of their lower PGEF. The three-dimensional method is expected to extend to other processes or industries, such as the cement production and thermal electricity generation industries.


