Cite this article as:

Shuai Zhang, Yanling Zhang, and Shaowen Wu, Effects of ZnO, FeO and Fe2O3 on the spinel formation, microstructure and physicochemical properties of augite-based glass ceramics, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 6, pp.1207-1216.
Shuai Zhang, Yanling Zhang, and Shaowen Wu, Effects of ZnO, FeO and Fe2O3 on the spinel formation, microstructure and physicochemical properties of augite-based glass ceramics, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 6, pp.1207-1216.
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ZnO、FeO 和 Fe2O3对普通辉石基微晶玻璃中尖晶石的形成、材料微观结构和物化性能的影响

摘要: 在辉石为主晶相的微晶玻璃中,常加入一定量的形核剂Cr2O3形成尖晶石相,进而形成了以尖晶石为核心,辉石相围绕长大的微观结构,该结构赋予了材料优良理化性能。针对该微观结构,需要对尖晶石相在玻璃基体中的生成及分布进一步研究。基于此,本研究在制备普通辉石基微晶玻璃时添加三种尖晶石形成氧化物ZnO、 FeO 和 Fe2O3,并探究材料中尖晶石的形成现象及微观结构的演变,并依此揭示材料理化性能及重金属固化能力的变化规律。研究发现氧化物的加入促进了初始尖晶石的大量生成,进而促进试样的整体结晶。微观结构方面,加入Fe2O3的试样中尖晶石尺寸较大,且产生聚集现象。而加入ZnO和FeO的试样中,尖晶石尺寸相对较小且分布均匀,试样2ZnO具有最致密的微观结构。在材料理化性能方面,ZnO和Fe2O3的加入提高了材料的抗折强度,其中2ZnO试样的抗折强度达到170.31 MPa。所有样品的铬浸出量(0.3–0.8 mg/L)均低于国家标准(1.5 mg/L),具有一定的安全性。然而,FeO的加入导致了材料抗化学腐蚀性的降低,进而造成了更多铬元素的浸出。基于上述研究,在利用工业固废制备微晶玻璃时,可以考虑加入适量的含锌粉尘和污泥,提升材料力学、理化性能的同时,保证材料的使用安全性。


Effects of ZnO, FeO and Fe2O3 on the spinel formation, microstructure and physicochemical properties of augite-based glass ceramics

Abstract: Augite-based glass ceramics were synthesised using ZnO, FeO, and Fe2O3 as additives, and the spinel formation, matrix structure, crystallisation thermodynamics, and physicochemical properties were investigated. The results showed that oxides resulted in numerous preliminary spinels in the glass matrix. FeO, ZnO, and Fe2O3 influenced the formation of spinel, while FeO simplified the glass network. FeO and ZnO promoted bulk crystallisation of the parent glass. After adding oxides, the grains of augite phase were refined, and the relative quantities of augite crystal planes were also influenced. All samples displayed good mechanical properties and chemical stability. The 2wt% ZnO-doping sample displayed the maximum flexural strength (170.3 MPa). Chromium leaching amount values of all the samples were less than the national standard (1.5 mg/L), confirming the safety of the materials. In conclusion, an appropriate amount of zinc-containing raw material is beneficial for the preparation of augite-based glass ceramics.


