Cite this article as:

Yun Zhao, Juping Tu, Liangxian Chen, Junjun Wei, Jinlong Liu, and Chengming Li, Toughness enhancement of single-crystal diamond by the homoepitaxial growth of periodic nitrogen-doped nano-multilayers, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 4, pp.766-771.
Yun Zhao, Juping Tu, Liangxian Chen, Junjun Wei, Jinlong Liu, and Chengming Li, Toughness enhancement of single-crystal diamond by the homoepitaxial growth of periodic nitrogen-doped nano-multilayers, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 4, pp.766-771.
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摘要: 采用微波等离子体化学气相沉积生长周期性氮掺杂纳米多层单晶金刚石。通过光发射谱判定腔室中气体(CH4和H2)的残余时间,确定纳米多层的生长工艺,进而获得周期性氮掺杂纳米多层单晶金刚石。当周期性氮掺杂纳米多层中单个氮掺杂层的厚度约为96 nm时,在杨氏模量为1000 GPa下,其断裂韧性为18.2 MPa∙m1/2。周期性氮掺杂CVD层的断裂韧性约为HPHT籽晶的2.1倍。周期性的氮掺杂层产生了周期性的压应力和张应力,因此显著提高了金刚石的断裂韧性。高韧性的单晶金刚石在高压顶砧和刀具上具有广泛的应用。


Toughness enhancement of single-crystal diamond by the homoepitaxial growth of periodic nitrogen-doped nano-multilayers

Abstract: Periodic nitrogen-doped homoepitaxial nano-multilayers were grown by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition. The residual time of gases (such as CH4 and N2) in the chamber was determined by optical emission spectroscopy to determine the nano-multilayer growth process, and thin, nanoscale nitrogen-doped layers were obtained. The highest toughness of 18.2 MPa∙m1/2 under a Young’s modulus of 1000 GPa is obtained when the single-layer thickness of periodic nitrogen-doped nano-multilayers is about 96 nm. The fracture toughness of periodic nitrogen-doped CVD layer is about 2.1 times that of the HPHT seed substrate. Alternating tensile and compressive stresses are derived from periodic nitrogen doping; hence, the fracture toughness is significantly improved. Single-crystal diamond with a high toughness demonstrates wide application prospects for high-pressure anvils and single-point diamond cutting tools.


