Cite this article as:

Jianliang Zhang, Hongyuan Fu, Yanxiang Liu, Han Dang, Lian Ye, Alberto N. Conejo, and Runsheng Xu, Review on biomass metallurgy: Pretreatment technology, metallurgical mechanism and process design, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 6, pp.1133-1149.
Jianliang Zhang, Hongyuan Fu, Yanxiang Liu, Han Dang, Lian Ye, Alberto N. Conejo, and Runsheng Xu, Review on biomass metallurgy: Pretreatment technology, metallurgical mechanism and process design, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 29(2022), No. 6, pp.1133-1149.
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摘要: 随着现代工业的发展,化石燃料的过度使用和温室气体猛增引发的气候变化成为了人类面临的全球性问题,对生命系统造成了严重威胁。中国作为全球最大的能源消费国和CO2排放国,明确提出2030年前力争“碳达峰”和2060年前实现“碳中和”的目标。冶金行业作为能源密集型产业,每年消耗大量的化石燃料,排放大量的CO2,其中最主要的钢铁冶金过程的能量消耗和污染物排放占到全国的15%以上。加快钢铁工业能源结构调整,推动可再生清洁能源来代替传统化石能源,实现钢铁生产过程环境友好、能源可持续利用,是钢铁工业低碳绿色高质量发展的必由之路。生物质是一种碳中性、环境友好的可再生能源,生物质能也是我国亟待开发利用的巨大资源财富。将生物质应用于钢铁工业能减少化石燃料的消耗和CO2等温室气体的排放,也可以推动能源结构清洁低碳化,加快钢铁企业走绿色低碳发展之路。本文主要阐述了近年来在生物质冶金方面的研究情况,提出了生物质冶金的概念,分析了生物质冶金的科学原理,讨论了生物质预处理技术及生物质炼铁技术基础,提出了生物质冶金流程的新思路,分析了生物质冶金的经济社会效益,旨在为生物质冶金基础理论和工业应用的发展提供参考。


Review on biomass metallurgy: Pretreatment technology, metallurgical mechanism and process design

Abstract: The metallurgy industry consumes a considerable amount of coal and fossil fuels, and its carbon dioxide emissions are increasing every year. Replacing coal with renewable, carbon-neutral biomass for metallurgical production is of great significance in reducing global carbon consumption. This study describes the current state of research in biomass metallurgy in recent years and analyzes the concept and scientific principles of biomass metallurgy. The fundamentals of biomass pretreatment technology and biomass metallurgy technology were discussed, and the industrial application framework of biomass metallurgy was proposed. Furthermore, the economic and social advantages of biomass metallurgy were analyzed to serve as a reference for the advancement of fundamental theory and industrial application of biomass metallurgy.


