Cite this article as:

Lipeng Deng, Pengliang Niu, Liming Ke, Jinhe Liu, and Jidong Kang, Repairing of exit-hole in friction-stir-spot welded joints for 2024-T4 aluminum alloy by resistance welding, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 4, pp.660-669.
Lipeng Deng, Pengliang Niu, Liming Ke, Jinhe Liu, and Jidong Kang, Repairing of exit-hole in friction-stir-spot welded joints for 2024-T4 aluminum alloy by resistance welding, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 4, pp.660-669.
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摘要: 搅拌摩擦(点)焊匙孔在一定程度上影响利用焊缝(点)的力学性能及抗腐蚀性能,因此,研究匙孔填补技术是搅拌摩擦焊领域的一个重要分支。本文以三项次级整流电阻点焊为填补设备,以1.5 mm厚的2024-T4铝合金搅拌摩擦点焊匙孔为填补对象,系统研究了基于电阻焊原理的匙孔填补技术。设计并自制了填补过程动态压力监测装置,并藉此深入分析了塞棒与匙孔间界面消除过程。采用光学显微镜、电子背散射衍射、电子扫描等分析手段,详细分析了填补后接头各区域的微观结构及组织、断口形貌、力学性能等。研究结果表明:采用电阻焊技术填补匙孔的过程可分为三个阶段,塞棒压入并排出空气阶段、塞棒稳定导电阶段及塞棒与匙孔壁冶金结合阶段。其中,塞棒与匙孔壁间的冶金结合形式分为熔化连接和扩散连接,前者发生在填补后接头中部区域,后者发生在上部和下部区域。基于本文实验材料,填补后接头拉剪载荷为7.43 kN,比填补前提高了36.3%.


Repairing of exit-hole in friction-stir-spot welded joints for 2024-T4 aluminum alloy by resistance welding

Abstract: The exit-hole in friction stir spot welded (FSSWed) 2024-T4 aluminum alloy joints was successfully repaired by using a three-phase secondary rectification resistance spot welding machine, which is termed as filling exit-hole based on resistance welding (FEBRW). The filling dynamic behavior of force was recorded by a device monitoring. Optical microscope (OM), electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), and tensile shear tests and finite element modelling were conducted to investigate the repairing stages and bonding mechanisms of the repaired joints in detail. Results showed that exit-hole was completely filled and repaired experiencing three stages. Metallurgical bonding was achieved between plug and exit-hole wall in two forms, including melting bonding in the middle of the joints and partial diffusion bonding on both the upper and bottom of the joints. The highest tensile shear strength of the repaired joints was 7.43 kN, which was 36.3% higher than that of the as welded joints. Resistance welding paves an efficient way to repair the exit-hole in FSSWed joints.


