Cite this article as:

Jing Wen, Hongyan Sun, Tao Jiang, Bojian Chen, Fangfang Li, and Mengxia Liu, Comparison of the interface reaction behaviors of CaO–V2O5 and MnO2–V2O5 solid-state systems based on the diffusion couple method, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 5, pp.834-843.
Jing Wen, Hongyan Sun, Tao Jiang, Bojian Chen, Fangfang Li, and Mengxia Liu, Comparison of the interface reaction behaviors of CaO–V2O5 and MnO2–V2O5 solid-state systems based on the diffusion couple method, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 5, pp.834-843.
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摘要: 钒是我国重要的战略金属资源,广泛应用于钢铁、化工、航空航天等领域。钒渣作为我国最重要的含钒原料,其钙化提钒及锰化提钒工艺在钒的高效分离、尾渣利用和环境保护方面优势显著,但焙烧过程中钒酸钙和钒酸锰始终共存。两种钒酸盐的生成机理及钒与钙、锰反应能力的差异是两种提钒工艺的基本问题和共性问题,这对充实提钒基础理论和促进提钒工艺优化具有重要意义。为此,本文基于扩散偶研究方法,通过制备氧化钙–氧化钒和二氧化锰–氧化钒扩散偶,并在不同时间恒温焙烧,比较研究了钙、锰与钒组元固相反应的界面扩散行为差异;阐明了钒酸钙和钒酸锰的生成机理;进一步基于扫描电子显微镜和能谱分析研究并计算了扩散产物和扩散系数随焙烧时间的变化规律。结果表明,随着焙烧时间的延长,氧化钙–氧化钒、二氧化锰–氧化钒两组扩散反应逐渐进行。氧化钙–氧化钒扩散偶中钙和钒的分布区域边界始终清晰。而对于二氧化锰–氧化钒扩散偶而言,随着恒温焙烧时间的延长,二氧化锰逐渐分解生成三氧化二锰,钒组元能扩散到三氧化二锰内部,但仅有部分钒与锰反应形成扩散产物层。氧化钙–氧化钒、二氧化锰–氧化钒扩散偶的界面反应产物分别是偏钒酸钙和偏钒酸锰。恒温焙烧16 h后,产物厚度分别为39.85和32.13 μm,且由于组元扩散反应能力的限制,两个扩散偶均达到反应平衡。相同恒温焙烧时间内,氧化钙–氧化钒扩散偶的扩散系数略高于二氧化锰–氧化钒扩散偶,这说明钒与钙的扩散反应比钒与锰的扩散反应更易进行。


Comparison of the interface reaction behaviors of CaO–V2O5 and MnO2–V2O5 solid-state systems based on the diffusion couple method

Abstract: The formation mechanism of calcium vanadate and manganese vanadate and the difference between calcium and manganese in the reaction with vanadium are basic issues in the calcification roasting and manganese roasting process with vanadium slag. In this work, CaO–V2O5 and MnO2–V2O5 diffusion couples were prepared and roasted for different time periods to illustrate and compare the diffusion reaction mechanisms. Then, the changes in the diffusion product and diffusion coefficient were investigated and calculated based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. Results show that with the extension of the roasting time, the diffusion reaction gradually proceeds among the CaO–V2O5 and MnO2–V2O5 diffusion couples. The regional boundaries of calcium and vanadium are easily identifiable for the CaO–V2O5 diffusion couple. Meanwhile, for the MnO2–V2O5 diffusion couple, MnO2 gradually decomposes to form Mn2O3, and vanadium diffuses into the interior of Mn2O3. Only a part of vanadium combines with manganese to form the diffusion production layer. CaV2O6 and MnV2O6 are the interfacial reaction products of the CaO–V2O5 and MnO2–V2O5 diffusion couples, respectively, whose thicknesses are 39.85 and 32.13 μm when roasted for 16 h. After 16 h, both diffusion couples reach the reaction equilibrium due to the limitation of diffusion. The diffusion coefficient of the CaO–V2O5 diffusion couple is higher than that of the MnO2–V2O5 diffusion couple for the same roasting time, and the diffusion reaction between vanadium and calcium is easier than that between vanadium and manganese.


