Cite this article as:

Tongtong Cao, Yong Zhu, Yuyang Gao, Yan Yang, Gang Zhou, Xiaofei Cui, Chen Wen, Bin Jiang, Xiaodong Peng, and Fusheng Pan, Optimization on microstructure, mechanical properties and damping capacities of duplex structured Mg–8Li–4Zn–1Mn alloys, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 5, pp.949-958.
Tongtong Cao, Yong Zhu, Yuyang Gao, Yan Yang, Gang Zhou, Xiaofei Cui, Chen Wen, Bin Jiang, Xiaodong Peng, and Fusheng Pan, Optimization on microstructure, mechanical properties and damping capacities of duplex structured Mg–8Li–4Zn–1Mn alloys, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 5, pp.949-958.
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摘要: 镁锂合金是目前最轻的金属工程结构材料,具有密度低、比强度高、阻尼性能好等优点,在航空航天、兵器军工、3C等领域具有广阔的应用前景。但是现有的镁锂合金绝对强度较低,而现有提升镁合金强度的方式通常带来其阻尼性能的降低,因此,实现镁合金强度与阻尼的协同调控是研究者亟待解决的问题。本文旨在研究通过热挤压来实现双相Mg–Li–Zn–Mn合金的微观组织调控与优化,以期实现合金力学性能和阻尼性能协同调控。结果表明:Mg–8Li–4Zn–1Mn合金主要由α-Mg、β-Li、Mg–Li–Zn相和单质Mn组成。热挤压过程中,合金内部发生动态再结晶,合金的晶粒尺寸由铸态的50 μm细化到5.86 μm。挤压变形后,细小的析出相均匀分布在Mg–8Li–4Zn–1Mn合金中。挤压态合金的屈服强度( YS )、抗拉强度( UTS )和伸长率( EL )分别达到156 MPa、208 MPa和32.3 %,较铸态合金显著提升。挤压态和铸态Mg–8Li–4Zn–1Mn合金均呈现出优异的阻尼性能,在应变振幅为2 × 10−3时的阻尼值 ( Q−1 )分别为0.030和0.033,合金阻尼性能无明显变化。热挤压变形可以显著提高Mg–8Li–4Zn–1Mn合金的力学性能,而阻尼性能无明显变化,这表明基于合金化和热变形工艺协同调控,可以实现双相镁锂合金微观组织–力学–阻尼性能之间的协同调控,研究为后续高强高阻尼镁合金的研发提供重要的理论指导。


Optimization on microstructure, mechanical properties and damping capacities of duplex structured Mg–8Li–4Zn–1Mn alloys

Abstract: Optimizing the mechanical properties and damping capacity of the duplex-structured Mg–Li–Zn–Mn alloy by tailoring the microstructure via hot extrusion was investigated. The results show that the Mg–8Li–4Zn–1Mn alloy is mainly composed of α-Mg, β-Li, Mg–Li–Zn, and Mn phases. The microstructure of the test alloy is refined owing to dynamic recrystallization (DRX) during hot extrusion. After hot extrusion, the crushed precipitates are uniformly distributed in the test alloy. The yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and elongation (EL) of as-extruded alloy reach 156 MPa, 208 MPa, and 32.3%, respectively, which are much better than that of as-cast alloy. Furthermore, the as-extruded and as-cast alloys both exhibit superior damping capacities, with the damping capacity ( Q^-1 ) of 0.030 and 0.033 at the strain amplitude of 2 × 10−3, respectively. The mechanical properties of the test alloy can be significantly improved by hot extrusion, whereas the damping capacities have no noticeable change, which indicates that the duplex-structured Mg–Li alloys with appropriate mechanical properties and damping properties can be obtained by alloying and hot extrusion.


