Cite this article as:

Jingdi Cao, Takuya Hhasegawa, Yusuke Asakura, Akira Yamakata, Peng Sun, Wenbin Cao, and Shu Yin, Synthesis of crystal-phase and color tunable mixed anion co-doped titanium oxides and their controllable photocatalytic activity, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 10, pp.2036-2043.
Jingdi Cao, Takuya Hhasegawa, Yusuke Asakura, Akira Yamakata, Peng Sun, Wenbin Cao, and Shu Yin, Synthesis of crystal-phase and color tunable mixed anion co-doped titanium oxides and their controllable photocatalytic activity, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 10, pp.2036-2043.
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摘要: 二氧化钛除了具有优良的光触媒性能之外,也是不可替代的传统白色颜料和重要的化妆品原料。 为了满足其在各种新型材料领域的应用,通常二氧化钛的可见光吸收及着色可以通过添加过各种不同的过渡金属元素得以实现,但是过渡金属元素一般多具有生物毒性,这会限制着色二氧化钛在化妆品等相关领域的应用。 本研究通过水热反应制备了锐钛矿、金红石和板钛矿相硼掺杂二氧化钛,再通过氨气气氛中进行氮化处理,成功地选择性合成了具有上述不同晶相的硼氮共掺杂二氧化钛粉体(BN-TiO2)。通过本文方法,除了白色和黄色之外,我们还成功的制备了具有灰色,绿色,红色,黄绿色,橙色等多种颜色粉体,实现了非过渡金属元素添加二氧化钛的多彩着色。硼氮等阴离子元素共掺杂元素含量及二氧化钛的晶相组成对粉体着色具有显著影响。氮化时间及氮化温度等也均对二氧化钛粉体的颜色调控具有明显作用。锐钛矿、金红石相硼氮共掺杂材料具有较低的光催化活性,可作为无毒彩色颜料或新型化妆品原料使用,而板钛矿相的硼氮共掺杂具有良好的光催化活性,成为良好的环境净化催化材料候选。


Synthesis of crystal-phase and color tunable mixed anion co-doped titanium oxides and their controllable photocatalytic activity

Abstract: B and N mixed anions co-doped titania with various crystal phases such as anatase, brookite, and rutile were successfully synthesized by a hydrothermal synthesis followed by heat treatment in an ammonia gas atmosphere at 550–650°C (denoted as BN-Ana_x, BN-Bro_x, and BN-Rut_x, x is the treatment temperature). The colors of as-prepared BN-Ana, BN-Bro, and BN-Rut are red, yellow-green, and cyan-green, respectively. The color changing mechanism of titania was related to their various band gap structure and the existence of B–N bonding. The nitridation temperature exhibits effective color changing compared to that of nitridation time. The different phases of the mixed anion co-doped titania possess different photocatalytic deNOx activity. The BN-Ana and BN-Rut show poor photocatalytic deNOx activity, while the BN-Bro shows excellent photocatalytic deNOx activity, better than that of standard titania photocatalyst Degussa P25. The colorful titania with low-photocatalytic activity is heavy metal elements free, indicating their possible applications as nontoxic color pigments or novel cosmetic raw materials.


