Cite this article as:

Haojun Wu, Min Gong, Renshu Yang, Xiaodong Wu, and Xiangyu Liu, Double-face intelligent hole position planning method for precision blasting in roadways using a computer-controlled drill jumbo, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 6, pp.1025-1037.
Haojun Wu, Min Gong, Renshu Yang, Xiaodong Wu, and Xiangyu Liu, Double-face intelligent hole position planning method for precision blasting in roadways using a computer-controlled drill jumbo, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 6, pp.1025-1037.
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摘要: 由于钻孔装备技术水平限制,地下爆破设计孔位与实际成孔误差较大且同类孔抵抗线不均匀,导致爆破效率低下,难以满足精准地下爆破的需要。在新一代高精度钻孔定位的电脑凿岩台车出现后以计算程序解决爆破设计同类孔抵抗线不均匀问题,是实现地下矿山智能高效爆破的必备条件。为此提出基于电脑凿岩台车爆破孔位参数的双断面程控规划方法。将整个断面分为均匀区域和不均匀区域两部分,同时考虑了炮孔孔口、孔底抵抗线均匀问题。在不均匀区域内结合区域边缘特征和网格化分割方法,制定多重限定条件优选孔距,实现同类炮孔抵抗线均匀最大化;在均匀区域内采用递归和迭代算法实现孔位坐标和角度计算。为实现智能设计,本方法用程序语言替代了传统图形规划。作为案例,在4.8 m宽3.6 m高工作面内完成所有炮孔的完整规划。在抵抗线不均匀区域内,与用CAD方法得到的图纸相比,本文规划结果在炮孔抵抗线标准差方面提升了40%。通过改善孔位布设,促进了地下爆破向精准、高效和智能方向的发展。


Double-face intelligent hole position planning method for precision blasting in roadways using a computer-controlled drill jumbo

Abstract: To solve the uneven burden of same-type holes reducing the blasting efficiency due to the limitation of drilling equipment, we need a double-face program-controlled planning method for hole position parameters used on a computer-controlled drilling jumbo. The cross-section splits into even and uneven areas. It also considers the uneven burden at the hole’s entrance and bottom. In the uneven area, various qualifying factors are made to optimize the hole spacing and maximize the burden uniformity, combined with the features of the area edges and grid-based segmentation methods. The hole position coordinates and angles in the even area are derived using recursion and iteration algorithms. As a case, this method presents all holes in a 4.8 m wide and 3.6 m high cross-section. Compared with the design produced by the drawing method, our planning in the uneven area improved the standard deviation of the hole burden by 40%. The improved hole layout facilitates the evolution of precise, efficient, and intelligent blasting in underground mines.


