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Pengpeng Bai, Shaowei Li, Jie Cheng, Xiangli Wen, Shuqi Zheng, Changfeng Chen, and Yu Tian, Improvement of hydrogen permeation barrier performance by iron sulphide surface films, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 9, pp.1792-1800.
Pengpeng Bai, Shaowei Li, Jie Cheng, Xiangli Wen, Shuqi Zheng, Changfeng Chen, and Yu Tian, Improvement of hydrogen permeation barrier performance by iron sulphide surface films, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 9, pp.1792-1800.
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摘要: 在H2S腐蚀过程中,具有六方晶体结构的Fe–S腐蚀产物具有潜在的氢渗透阻隔作用。本文通过腐蚀和CVD沉积的方法在碳钢上制备了Fe–S化合物薄膜,使用电化学氢渗透方法测试了不同晶型Fe–S化合物膜对氢渗透的阻隔作用。并利用热电测量系统测试了Fe–S化合物膜在相变过程中的电阻率。结果表明,作为p型半导体,马基诺矿对氢渗透没有明显的阻隔作用,而作为n型半导体,磁黄铁矿和黄铁矿对氢渗透有明显的阻隔效应。当碳钢表面沉积磁黄铁矿和黄铁矿的薄膜时,氢渗透电流值低于裸钢一个数量级。腐蚀产物在从马基诺矿到磁黄铁矿的转变过程中,半导体特性从p型变为n型,在从黄铁矿到磁黄铁矿转变过程中始终保持n型。因此,有两个因素会影响腐蚀产物的氢渗透。首先,腐蚀产物层的致密结构防止了钢和硫化氢水溶液之间的接触。其次,腐蚀产物的半导体特性的差异导致界面处离子和空位的选择性吸附和迁移发生变化,反应是由Fe2+在薄膜之间的迁移速率控制的,H+更倾向于在n型半导体界面与电子结合,形成氢并逸出,从而减少渗透到金属中的氢总量。


Improvement of hydrogen permeation barrier performance by iron sulphide surface films

Abstract: Fe–S compounds with hexagonal crystal structure are potential hydrogen permeation barrier during H2S corrosion. Hexagonal system Fe–S films were prepared on carbon steel through corrosion and CVD deposition, and the barrier effect of different Fe–S films on hydrogen permeation was tested using electrochemical hydrogen permeation method. After that, the electrical properties of Fe–S compound during phase transformation were measured using thermoelectric measurement system. Results show that the mackinawite has no obvious barrier effect on hydrogen penetration, as a p-type semiconductor, and pyrrhotite (including troilite) has obvious barrier effect on hydrogen penetration, as an n-type semiconductor. Hydrogen permeation tests showed peak permeation performance when the surface was deposited with a continuous film of pyrrhotite (Fe1–xS) and troilite. The FeS compounds suppressed hydrogen permeation by the promotion of the hydrogen evolution reaction, semiconducting inversion from p- to n-type, and the migration of ions at the interface.


