Cite this article as:

Liang Li, Yanxin Qiao, Lianmin Zhang, Aili Ma, Enobong Felix Daniel, Rongyao Ma, Jian Chen, and Yugui Zheng, Effect of surface damage induced by cavitation erosion on pitting and passive behaviors of 304L stainless steel, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 7, pp.1338-1352.
Liang Li, Yanxin Qiao, Lianmin Zhang, Aili Ma, Enobong Felix Daniel, Rongyao Ma, Jian Chen, and Yugui Zheng, Effect of surface damage induced by cavitation erosion on pitting and passive behaviors of 304L stainless steel, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 7, pp.1338-1352.
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摘要: 空蚀是过流部件最常见的失效形式,主要由于高速流动液体中气泡坍塌产生的冲击波和微射流对材料表面造成的频繁冲击破坏。材料的点蚀和钝化行为与空蚀的损伤程度密切相关。在腐蚀性介质中,粗糙的表面有利于形成稳态点蚀。同时,粗糙的表面会增强去钝化效果,弱化材料的钝化性能,导致材料的耐腐蚀性能恶化。然而,关于空蚀引起的表面损伤对材料的点蚀和钝化行为的影响尚未有系统研究。本文采用电化学噪声和恒电位极化技术研究了304L不锈钢在3.5wt% NaCl溶液中空蚀不同时间后的点蚀和钝化行为。研究结果表明:在空蚀孕育期内,钝化行为占主导地位, 304L不锈钢的表面开始存在亚稳态点蚀的萌生;在空蚀上升期,304L不锈钢经历了从钝化到去钝化的转变,导致亚稳态点蚀和稳态点蚀的大量生长;在空蚀的稳定期,304L不锈钢的去钝化行为占主导地位,材料表面出现严重的局部腐蚀。本研究阐明了空蚀诱导的表面损伤对材料点蚀和钝化行为的影响规律,有助于更深入理解不锈钢的空蚀损伤机制。


Effect of surface damage induced by cavitation erosion on pitting and passive behaviors of 304L stainless steel

Abstract: The corrosion behavior of 304L stainless steel (SS) in 3.5wt% NaCl solution after different cavitation erosion (CE) times was mainly evaluated using electrochemical noise and potentiostatic polarization techniques. It was found that the antagonism effect resulting in the passivation and depassivation of 304L SS had significant distinctions at different CE periods. The passive behavior was predominant during the incubation period of CE where the metastable pitting initiated at the surface of 304L SS. Over the rising period of CE, the 304L SS experienced a transition from passivation to depassivation, leading to the massive growth of metastable pitting and stable pitting. The depassivation of 304L SS was found to be dominant at the stable period of CE where serious localized corrosion occurred.


