Cite this article as:

Xin Song, Shaolong Li, Shanshan Liu, Yong Fan, Jilin He, and Jianxun Song, Coordination states of metal ions in molten salts and their characterization methods, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 7, pp.1261-1277.
Xin Song, Shaolong Li, Shanshan Liu, Yong Fan, Jilin He, and Jianxun Song, Coordination states of metal ions in molten salts and their characterization methods, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 7, pp.1261-1277.
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摘要: 熔盐的宏观特征由其微观结构决定。研究熔盐结构是深入理解熔盐物理化学性质并进一步探寻熔盐电解微观过程的基础。熔盐微观结构的测试手段有很多种,它们能够从不同的角度反映出物质的微观结构。本文主要讨论了可以获得熔盐微观结构的测试方法及对其优缺点进行了对比。论文对氯化盐、氟化盐、硝酸盐、碳酸盐熔盐体系结构已有的研究成果进行了梳理,总结了金属离子在熔盐体系中的典型配位结构。此外,本文还详细讨论了电解质阴离子与阳离子以及金属氧化物(O2−)对熔盐结构的影响。论文认为对微观结构和配位信息的深入理解也能为熔盐电解制备金属的机理探究和工艺优化提供理论依据,熔盐结构信息的准确性和完整性需要多种方法和跨学科领域的综合研究。因此,本文通过综述熔盐中金属离子配位状态及其表征方法,希望能为研究人员探索材料微观结构与宏观性能之间的相互关系提供新思路。


Coordination states of metal ions in molten salts and their characterization methods

Abstract: The macroscopic characteristics of molten salts are governed by their microstructures. Research on the structures of molten salts provides the foundation for a full understanding of the physicochemical properties of molten salts as well as a deeper analysis of the microscopic electrolysis process in molten salts. Information about the microstructure of matter can be obtained with the help of several speculative and experimental procedures. In this review, the advantages and disadvantages of the various test procedures used to determine the microstructures of molten salts are compared. The typical coordination configurations of metal ions in molten salt systems are also summarized. Furthermore, the impact of temperature, anions, cations, and metal oxides (O2−) on the structures of molten salts is discussed in detail. The accuracy and completeness of the information on molten salt structures need to be investigated by the integration of multiple methods and interdisciplinary fields. Information on the microstructure and coordination of molten salts deepens the understanding of the elementary elements of the microstructure of matter. This paper, which is based on the review of the coordination states of metal ions in molten salts, is hoped to inspire researchers to explore the inter-relationship between the microstructure and macroscopic properties of materials.


