Cite this article as:

Liuhua Yang, Jincang Li, Hongbin Liu, Huazhe Jiao, Shenghua Yin, Xinming Chen, and Yang Yu, Systematic review of mixing technology for recycling waste tailings as cemented paste backfill in mines in China, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 8, pp.1430-1443.
Liuhua Yang, Jincang Li, Hongbin Liu, Huazhe Jiao, Shenghua Yin, Xinming Chen, and Yang Yu, Systematic review of mixing technology for recycling waste tailings as cemented paste backfill in mines in China, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 8, pp.1430-1443.
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摘要: 工业发展离不开矿业的支撑,然而采矿不仅消耗了大量能源,且产生的尾矿对生态环境影响极大。针对尾矿的处置难题,在过去几十年中,采矿业发展了多种与之相关处理技术,其中膏体充填是最具代表性技术之一。目前,膏体充填技术已成功应用于矿山开采工程。在膏体充填技术中,搅拌效果的优劣直接影响膏体质量以及其充填性能。然而,在膏体制备过程中,由于全尾砂粒度细、料浆浓度高且粘度大,实现均质搅拌难度大。而目前膏体充填领域,大多数研究集中于尾砂料浆配比对膏体充填特性的影响,极少涉及膏体搅拌技术及装备。因此,通过优化搅拌工艺来提高膏体充填性能并降低生产成本显得尤为重要。本文通过总结目前中国膏体搅拌技术研究及其应用现状,分析对比各类膏体搅拌设备的优劣,探讨了在膏体制备领域最新研究成果及研究热点。最后,介绍了几类中国膏体搅拌技术工艺的应用案例,提出了膏体搅拌技术及工艺面临的挑战与发展趋势,以促进水泥基材料搅拌技术的发展。


Systematic review of mixing technology for recycling waste tailings as cemented paste backfill in mines in China

Abstract: The development of industry is inseparable from the support of mining. However, mining processes consume a large amount of energy, and increased tailing emissions can have a significant impact on the environment. In the past few decades, the mining industry developed many technologies that are related to mineral energy management, of which cemented paste backfill (CPB) is one of the representative technologies. CPB has been successfully applied to mine ground control and tailings management. In CPB technology, the mixing process is the key to achieving materials with good final quality and controlled properties. However, in the preparation process, the mixed homogeneity of the CPB is difficult to achieve because of fine tailings, high solid volume fraction, and high viscosity. Most research focused on the effect of mixing ingredients on CPB properties rather than on the preparation process of the CPB. Therefore, improving the performance and reducing the production cost of CPB by optimizing the mixing process are important. This review summarizes the current studies on the mixing technology of CPB and its application status in China. Then, it compares the advantages and disadvantages of multiple mixing equipment and discusses the latest results and research hotspots in paste preparation. Finally, it concludes the challenges and development trends of mixing technology on the basis of the relevant application cases in China to promoting cement-based material mixing technology development.


