Cite this article as:

Zhenlin Xue, Haikuan Sun, Deqing Gan, Zepeng Yan, and Zhiyi Liu, Wall slip behavior of cemented paste backfill slurry during pipeline based on noncontact experimental detection, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 8, pp.1515-1523.
Zhenlin Xue, Haikuan Sun, Deqing Gan, Zepeng Yan, and Zhiyi Liu, Wall slip behavior of cemented paste backfill slurry during pipeline based on noncontact experimental detection, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 8, pp.1515-1523.
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摘要: 壁面滑移是胶结膏体充填料浆在管壁附近的微观现象,它对管壁处的料浆流动形态和速度分布有重要影响。用常规的实验方法直接探测壁面滑移特性是较为困难的。因此,本文基于粒子图像测速技术,建立了料浆管道输送微观滑移层独立监测的非接触式实验平台,分析了料浆温度、管径、固相浓度、料浆流量等因素对料浆壁滑移速度的影响,完善了壁滑移特性对管道输送影响的理论体系。结果表明:料浆在管壁处存在广泛的滑移层,且壁面滑移现象显著;料浆温度的提升增大了颗粒间的布朗运动程度,增强了壁面滑移效应。增大管径不利于料浆滑移层的形成,导致料浆流动模式发生转变。固相浓度的增加提高了料浆流动的层间剪切效应和滑移速度。固相含量从55wt%增加到65wt%时,滑移速度值从0.025增加到0.056 m·s−1。流量增大后,料浆的絮凝结构发生变化,从而对滑移速度产生影响;当输送流量为1.01 m3·h−1时,滑移层减阻效果最佳。研究结果对提高膏体充填料浆在管道中的稳定性和经济性具有重要的理论意义。


Wall slip behavior of cemented paste backfill slurry during pipeline based on noncontact experimental detection

Abstract: Wall slip is a microscopic phenomenon of cemented paste backfill (CPB) slurry near the pipe wall, which has an important influence on the form of slurry pipe transport flow and velocity distribution. Directly probing the wall slip characteristics using conventional experimental methods is difficult. Therefore, this paper established a noncontact experimental platform for monitoring the microscopic slip layer of CPB pipeline transport independently based on particle image velocimetry (PIV) and analyzed the effects of slurry temperature, pipe diameter, solid concentration, and slurry flow on the wall slip velocity of the CPB slurry, which refined the theory of the effect of wall slip characteristics on pipeline transport. The results showed that the CPB slurry had an extensive slip layer at the pipe wall with significant wall slip. High slurry temperature improved the degree of particle Brownian motion within the slurry and enhanced the wall slip effect. Increasing the pipe diameter was not conducive to the formation of the slurry slip layer and led to a transition in the CPB slurry flow pattern. The increase in the solid concentration raised the interlayer shear effect of CPB slurry flow and the slip velocity. The slip velocity value increased from 0.025 to 0.056 m·s−1 when the solid content improved from 55wt% to 65wt%. When slurry flow increased, the CPB slurry flocculation structure changed, which affected the slip velocity, and the best effect of slip layer resistance reduction was achieved when the transported flow rate was 1.01 m3·h−1. The results had important theoretical significance for improving the stability and economy of the CPB slurry in the pipeline.


