Cite this article as:

Ziyong Chang, Sensen Niu, Zhengchang Shen, Laichang Zou, and Huajun Wang, Latest advances and progress in the microbubble flotation of fine minerals: Microbubble preparation, equipment, and applications, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 7, pp.1244-1260.
Ziyong Chang, Sensen Niu, Zhengchang Shen, Laichang Zou, and Huajun Wang, Latest advances and progress in the microbubble flotation of fine minerals: Microbubble preparation, equipment, and applications, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 7, pp.1244-1260.
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摘要: 在过去的几十年里,微泡浮选在细粒矿物的分选中得到了广泛的研究。与常规浮选相比,微泡浮选具有品位高、回收率高、浮选药剂消耗低等诸多优点。本文系统综述了微泡浮选在微细矿物颗粒分选的研究进展。通常,微泡的气泡尺寸小、比表面积大、表面能高、选择性好,并且还易附着在疏水颗粒或大气泡的表面,大大降低了颗粒从气泡上脱附的概率。微泡可以通过加压溶气减压释气法、电解法、超声空化法、光催化法、溶液替换法、温差法(TDM)以及文丘里管和薄膜法来制备。相应地,微细粒浮选设备可分为微泡析出式浮选机、离心浮选柱、充填式浮选柱和磁浮选柱。在实践中,微泡浮选在超细煤、金属矿物和非金属矿物的选矿中得到了广泛的研究,并表现出优于传统浮选机的优势。纳米气泡促进微细粒浮选的机理包括微细粒的团聚、纳米气泡在水溶液中的高稳定性以及颗粒疏水性和浮选动力学的增强。


Latest advances and progress in the microbubble flotation of fine minerals: Microbubble preparation, equipment, and applications

Abstract: In the past few decades, microbubble flotation has been widely studied in the separation and beneficiation of fine minerals. Compared with conventional flotation, microbubble flotation has obvious advantages, such as high grade and recovery and low consumption of flotation reagents. This work systematically reviews the latest advances and research progress in the flotation of fine mineral particles by microbubbles. In general, microbubbles have small bubble size, large specific surface area, high surface energy, and good selectivity and can also easily be attached to the surface of hydrophobic particles or large bubbles, greatly reducing the detaching probability of particles from bubbles. Microbubbles can be prepared by pressurized aeration and dissolved air, electrolysis, ultrasonic cavitation, photocatalysis, solvent exchange, temperature difference method (TDM), and Venturi tube and membrane method. Correspondingly, equipment for fine-particle flotation is categorized as microbubble release flotation machine, centrifugal flotation column, packed flotation column, and magnetic flotation machine. In practice, microbubble flotation has been widely studied in the beneficiation of ultrafine coals, metallic minerals, and nonmetallic minerals and exhibited superiority over conventional flotation machines. Mechanisms underpinning the promotion of fine-particle flotation by nanobubbles include the agglomeration of fine particles, high stability of nanobubbles in aqueous solutions, and enhancement of particle hydrophobicity and flotation dynamics.


