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Qinghai Ma, Guangsheng Liu, Xiaocong Yang, and Lijie Guo, Physical model investigation on effects of drainage condition and cement addition on consolidation behavior of tailings slurry within backfilled stopes, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 8, pp.1490-1501.
Qinghai Ma, Guangsheng Liu, Xiaocong Yang, and Lijie Guo, Physical model investigation on effects of drainage condition and cement addition on consolidation behavior of tailings slurry within backfilled stopes, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 8, pp.1490-1501.
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摘要: 采场尾砂充填料浆自重固结过程中,料浆孔隙水压力和总应力随时间连续变化。掌握充填料浆固结行为及固结过程中料浆应力状态,对评估采场充填挡墙承载能力和优化制定采场充填方案十分重要。排水条件和水泥用量是影响尾砂料浆固结行为的关键因素。利用自制的料浆固结柱物理模型,考虑三种排水条件(不排水、部分排水和完全排水),试验研究了不同水泥用量(0%、4.76wt%和6.25wt%)尾砂料浆的自重固结过程,系统测试了不同时刻料浆孔隙水压力、下沉量、排水量及试验完成后料浆含水量,分析了排水条件和水泥用量对尾砂料浆固结行为的影响规律。结果表明:改善排水边界条件或提高水泥添加量均有助于尾砂料浆孔隙水压力消散,但前者相对更有利于促进料浆排水固结;在同一排水条件下,水泥用量从0wt%增加至6.25wt%,模型底部料浆孔隙水压力消散速度显著加快,但料浆孔隙水压力最终稳定值无明显差异;料浆最终下沉量与模型的排水条件无关,但增大水泥用量会明显减小料浆最终下沉量;在同一排水条件下,胶结料浆在自重固结过程中能够比非胶结料浆排出更多的孔隙水。


Physical model investigation on effects of drainage condition and cement addition on consolidation behavior of tailings slurry within backfilled stopes

Abstract: Estimation of stressses within the tailings slurry during self-weight consolidation is a critical issue for cost-effective barricade design and efficient backfill planning in underground mine stopes. This process requires a good understanding of self-weight consolidation behaviors of the tailings slurry within practical stopes, where many factors can have significant effects on the consolidation, including drainage condition and cement addition. In this paper, the prepared tailings slurry with different cement contents (0, 4.76wt%, and 6.25wt%) was poured into 1.2 m-high columns, which allowed three drainage scenarios (undrained, partial lateral drainage near the bottom part, and full lateral drainage boundaries) to investigate the effects of drainage condition and cement addition on the consolidation behavior of the tailings slurry. The consolidation behavior was analyzed in terms of pore water pressure (PWP), settlement, volume of drainage water, and residual water content. The results indicate that increasing the length of the drainage boundary or cement content aids in PWP dissipation. In addition, constructing an efficient drainage boundary was more favorable to PWP dissipation than increasing cement addition. The final stable PWP on the column floor was not sensitive to cement addition. The final settlement of uncemented tailings slurry was independent of drainage conditions, and that of cemented tailings slurry decreased with the increase in cement addition. Notably, more pore water can drain out from the cemented tailings slurry than the uncemented tailings slurry during consolidation.


