Cite this article as:

Xi Zhang, Yu Wang, Jiushuai Deng, Zhongyi Bai, Hongxiang Xu, Qingfeng Meng, Da Jin, and Zhenwu Sun, Effect of ammonium sulfate on the formation of zinc sulfide species on hemimorphite surface and its role in sulfidation flotation, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 11, pp.2147-2156.
Xi Zhang, Yu Wang, Jiushuai Deng, Zhongyi Bai, Hongxiang Xu, Qingfeng Meng, Da Jin, and Zhenwu Sun, Effect of ammonium sulfate on the formation of zinc sulfide species on hemimorphite surface and its role in sulfidation flotation, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 11, pp.2147-2156.
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摘要: 锌在有色金属工业中起着至关重要的作用。随着硫化锌矿石的逐渐枯竭,氧化锌矿石中锌的富集和利用越来越受到人们的重视。异极矿是一种典型的氧化锌矿物,常采用硫化-黄药浮选法回收。异极矿独特的表面结构导致其与硫化剂作用困难,因此,有效强化表面硫化作用是采用泡沫浮选法回收异极矿的关键。本文通过电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)、溶液组分化学计算(Visual MINTEQ)、X射线光电子能谱分析(XPS)、飞行时间二次离子质谱分析(ToF-SIMS)和微浮选试验等手段,系统研究了硫酸铵对异极矿表面硫化锌物种形成的影响及其在硫化浮选中的作用。结果表明,硫酸铵对异极矿的硫化浮选具有明显促进作用。这是由于经硫酸铵处理后,异极矿浮选体系中以Zn2+和(ZnNH3i)2+(i = 1–4)形式存在的锌组分数量增加,有利于其与溶液中的硫组分相互作用,进而在异极矿表面形成致密稳定的硫化锌层。在硫化过程中,锌铵络合物(ZnNH3i)2+(i = 1–4)是以过渡态的形式参与异极矿的硫化反应。此外,硫酸铵还加速了异极矿的硫化反应。


Effect of ammonium sulfate on the formation of zinc sulfide species on hemimorphite surface and its role in sulfidation flotation

Abstract: Effectively strengthening the surface sulfidation is essential for recovering hemimorphite by froth flotation. In this work, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) measurements, Visual MINTEQ calculation, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis, time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) analysis, and micro-flotation experiments were explored to systematically investigate the effect of ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) on the formation of zinc sulfide species on hemimorphite surface and its role in sulfidation flotation. The results showed that (NH4)2SO4 exhibited a positive influence on hemimorphite sulfidation flotation. It was ascribed to the number of zinc components in the form of Zn2+ and Zn(NH3)i2+ (i = 1–4) increased in the flotation system after hemimorphite treatment with (NH4)2SO4, which was beneficial to its interaction with sulfur species in solution, resulting in a dense and stable zinc sulfide layer generated on the hemimorphite surface. Zn(NH3)i2+ participated in the sulfidation reaction of hemimorphite as a transition state. In addition, the sulfidation reaction of hemimorphite was accelerated by (NH4)2SO4. Thus, (NH4)2SO4 presents a vital role in promoting the sulfidation of hemimorphite.


