Cite this article as:

Min Zhou, Laijun Liang, Dingze Lu, Xiaomei Lu, Zheng Wang, Fengzhen Huang, Pengfei Cheng, Dongdong Liu, Mengqi Tian, Qiuping Wang, and Yunjie Zhang, Synergically enhanced piezocatalysis performance of eco-friendly (K0.52Na0.48)NbO3 through ferroelectric polarization and defects, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 10, pp.2044-2054.
Min Zhou, Laijun Liang, Dingze Lu, Xiaomei Lu, Zheng Wang, Fengzhen Huang, Pengfei Cheng, Dongdong Liu, Mengqi Tian, Qiuping Wang, and Yunjie Zhang, Synergically enhanced piezocatalysis performance of eco-friendly (K0.52Na0.48)NbO3 through ferroelectric polarization and defects, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 10, pp.2044-2054.
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摘要: 压电催化作为一种新兴的催化技术引起了广泛关注。然而,铁电材料本身具有的优异的绝缘特性导致其振动-电转换能力较差。本文报道了FeCo改性(K0.52Na0.48)NbO3铁电陶瓷 (KNNFCx)。适量FeCo (x = 0.015) 取代Nb位,不仅优化了(K0.52Na0.48)NbO3的铁电性,而且产生了有益的缺陷,显著提高了对罗丹明B的降解效率,最高可达95%。在相同功率的超声作用下,KNNFC0.015对罗丹明B的降解效率分别是纯的KNNFC0的4倍以及铁电极化最大的KNNFC1的2倍。研究表明,适量的一价氧空位对铁电畴的钉扎效应导致KNNFC0.015样品可保留优异的铁电剩余极化。这促进了载流子分离,减少载流子复合。重要的是,伴随产生的电子载流子具有较低的激活能,可以很容易地迁移到材料表面并参与氧化还原反应。因此,优异的铁电性和恰当的缺陷在提高压电催化性能方面起着协同作用。


Synergically enhanced piezocatalysis performance of eco-friendly (K0.52Na0.48)NbO3 through ferroelectric polarization and defects

Abstract: Piezocatalysis has attracted unprecedented research interest as a newly emerging catalysis technology. However, the inherent insulating property of ferroelectric materials ultimately leads to the poor vibration–electricity conversion ability. Herein, this work reports the (K0.52Na0.48)NbO3 ferroelectric ceramics (KNNFCx), for which the FeCo modification strategy is proposed. The substitution of the moderate amount of FeCo (x = 0.015) at Nb site not only optimizes ferroelectricity but also produces beneficial defects, notably increasing Rhodamine B water purification efficiency to 95%. The pinning effect of monovalent oxygen vacancies on ferroelectric domains is responsible for the excellent ferroelectric polarization of KNNFC0.015 through the generation of an internal field to promote charge carriers separation and reduce nonradiative recombination. Importantly, the accompanying electron carriers can easily move to the material surface and participate in redox reactions because they have low activation energy. Therefore, ferroelectric polarization and defects play synergetic roles in enhancing piezocatalytic performance.


