Cite this article as:

Bei Tang, Jinlong Fu, Jingkai Feng, Xiting Zhong, Yangyang Guo, and Haili Wang, Effect of Zn content on microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of extruded Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn alloys, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 12, pp.2411-2420.
Bei Tang, Jinlong Fu, Jingkai Feng, Xiting Zhong, Yangyang Guo, and Haili Wang, Effect of Zn content on microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of extruded Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn alloys, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 12, pp.2411-2420.
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摘要: 镁合金以其密度低、导热性能良好等优点,成为5G通讯中电子元器件散热部的潜在应用材料。然而,镁合金的力学性能一般较低,如何在保证镁合金导热率的前提下,进一步提升合金的强度和塑性是目前相关研究面临的主要问题。本文旨在开发一种兼顾强度、塑性以及导热率的Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn合金并阐明其增强增效机制。本文通过近固相线温度低速大应变挤压的方法制备了不同Zn含量的Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn合金,并通过显微组织观察、拉伸性能测试和热导率测试研究了Mg–xZn–0.4Ca–0.2Mn(x = 2wt%, 4wt%, 6wt%)合金的组织(包括第二相、晶粒尺寸和织构)与强度、塑性和导热率的关系。研究结果表明,挤压态合金呈现一种双模态组织,即拉长的粗大变形晶粒包裹在细小的再结晶晶粒基体中,这种异质结构使得挤压态合金具有优异的强度与塑性协同提升效果。对于Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn合金,当Zn含量从2wt%提升至6wt%时,合金中的第二相分数从4.5%增加至8.1%,从而导致合金的屈服强度提升,延伸率下降。此外,Zn含量的增加导致固溶在基体中的Zn原子含量增加,从而增加晶格畸变程度,阻碍电子的运动,造成导热率的下降。挤压态合金Mg–2Zn–0.4Ca–0.2Mn合金呈现出优异的室温延伸率(27.7%)和热导率(139.2 W/(m·K)),以及良好的抗拉强度(244.0 MPa)。本文的试验结果进一步证明,在低合金化的基础上,通过高温低速大变形量塑性变形,制备包含随机取向的细小再结晶晶粒和少量强取向的粗大变形晶粒的双模态组织,并通过合金成分设计减少固溶元素的含量,是综合提高合金强度、延伸率以及导热性能的有效途径。


Effect of Zn content on microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of extruded Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn alloys

Abstract: Mg–Zn–Ca–Mn series alloys are developed as promising candidates of 5G communication devices with excellent thermal conductivities, great ductility, and acceptable strength. In present paper, Mg–xZn–0.4Ca–0.2Mn (x = 2wt%, 4wt%, 6wt%) alloys were prepared by a near-solidus extrusion and the effect of Zn content on mechanical and thermal properties were investigated. The results showed that the addition of minor Ca led to the formation of Ca2Mg6Zn3 eutectic phase at grain boundaries. A type of bimodal microstructure occurred in the as-extruded alloys, where elongated coarse deformed grains were embedded in refined recrystallized grains matrix. Correspondingly, both yield strength and ductility of the alloys were significantly enhanced after extrusion due to the great grain refinement. Specially, higher Zn content led to the increment in yield strength and a slight reduction in elongation due to the larger fractions of second phase particles. The room temperature thermal conductivity of as-extruded alloys was also improved compared with that of as-cast counterparts. The increment of Zn content decreased the thermal conductivity of both as-cast and as-extruded alloys, which was due to the increased second phase fraction and solution atoms in the matrix, that hindering the motion of electrons. The as-extruded Mg–2Zn–0.4Ca–0.2Mn (wt%) alloy exhibited the highest elongation of 27.7% and thermal conductivity of 139.2 W/(m·K), combined with an acceptable ultimate tensile strength of 244.0 MPa. The present paper provides scientific guidance for the preparation of lightweight materials with high ductility and high thermal conductivity.


