Cite this article as:

Yiping Yu, Yuchen Cui, Jiangang He, Wei Mao, and Jikun Chen, Metal-to-insulator transitions in 3d-band correlated oxides containing Fe compositions, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 1, pp.48-59.
Yiping Yu, Yuchen Cui, Jiangang He, Wei Mao, and Jikun Chen, Metal-to-insulator transitions in 3d-band correlated oxides containing Fe compositions, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 31(2024), No. 1, pp.48-59.
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摘要: 与传统半导体不同的是,3d过渡族金属氧化物中存在有金属-绝缘体相变(MIT),并伴随有电学、光学或磁性能的变化。在这些材料中,由于Fe离子具有丰富的价态,含有Fe离子的氧化物具有广泛可调的MIT特性,在电子应用方面具有潜在的应用前景。聚焦于六类具有典型MIT特性的铁基氧化物(Fe2.5+–Fe4+),铁基氧化物MIT中的共同特性在于其MIT通常伴随着与铁的价态相关的电荷有序或电荷歧化。本文综述这些具有MIT特性的铁基氧化物的MIT特性和各自的机制;从潜在相关电子应用的角度,总结了铁基氧化物的临界温度可调性及其电阻的变化规律,并进一步与其他具有MIT性能的材料进行了对比。其中,尤其值得注意的是稀土基四重钙钛矿结构的铁基氧化物在临界温度下触发下可实现大幅度电阻率突变,且其金属绝缘体相变温度可通过稀土组分在宽温度范围调控;但其材料合成依赖于GPa级压力等高温高压极端条件,如何降低该体系材料合成压力并实现放量制备有待进一步探索。


Metal-to-insulator transitions in 3d-band correlated oxides containing Fe compositions

Abstract: Metal-to-insulator transitions (MITs), which are achieved in 3d-band correlated transitional metal oxides, trigger abrupt variations in electrical, optical, and/or magnetic properties beyond those of conventional semiconductors. Among such material families, iron (Fe: 3d64s2)-containing oxides pique interest owing to their widely tunable MIT properties, which are associated with the various valence states of Fe. Their potential electronic applications also show promise, given the large abundance of Fe on Earth. Representative MIT properties triggered by critical temperature (TMIT) were reported for ReFe2O4 (Fe2.5+), ReBaFe2O5 (Fe2.5+), Fe3O4 (Fe2.67+), Re1/3Sr2/3FeO3 (Fe3.67+), ReCu3Fe4O12 (Fe3.75+), and Ca1−xSrxFeO3 (Fe4+) (where Re represents rare-earth elements). The common feature of MITs of these Fe-containing oxides is that they are usually accompanied by charge ordering transitions or disproportionation associated with the valence states of Fe. Herein, we review the material family of Fe-containing MIT oxides, their MIT functionalities, and their respective mechanisms. From the perspective of potentially correlated electronic applications, the tunability of the TMIT and its resultant resistive change in Fe-containing oxides are summarized and further compared with those of other materials exhibiting MIT functionality. In particular, we highlight the abrupt MIT and wide tunability of TMIT of Fe-containing quadruple perovskites, such as ReCu3Fe4O12. However, their effective material synthesis still needs to be further explored to cater to potential applications.


