Cite this article as:

Fangna Dai, Zhifei Wang, Huakai Xu, Chuanhai Jiang, Yuguo Ouyang, Chunyu Lu, Yuan Jing, Shiwei Yao, and Xiaofei Wei, Metal-organic framework derived NiFe2O4/FeNi3@C composite for efficient electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 10, pp.1914-1921.
Fangna Dai, Zhifei Wang, Huakai Xu, Chuanhai Jiang, Yuguo Ouyang, Chunyu Lu, Yuan Jing, Shiwei Yao, and Xiaofei Wei, Metal-organic framework derived NiFe2O4/FeNi3@C composite for efficient electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction, Int. J. Miner. Metall. Mater., 30(2023), No. 10, pp.1914-1921.
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摘要: 金属有机框架(Metal-organic framework,MOF)材料作为一种由金属节点和有机配体结合而成的配位化合物,由于其多孔,比表面积大等特点,在催化领域有着相当不错的应用前景。但由于其导电性和稳定性差等缺点,MOF基催化剂在OER催化方面的实际应用并不深入。本文以镍铁基MOF为研究基础,以优化镍铁基MOF的OER催化性能为目的,通过组分优化,离子掺杂,界面复合等调控策略提升镍铁基MOF材料的OER催化性能,制备出高效的镍铁基MOF衍生催化材料。本文通过溶剂热法制备了双金属镍铁基MOF,并以镍铁基MOF为前驱体,通过热解制备了镍铁基MOF衍生材料,研究不同的金属配比、不同的热解温度对样品结构与OER催化性能的影响。实验结果表明,金属配比为Fe : Ni = 1:5,热解温度为450℃时,样品具备碳包覆的镍铁合金与氧化物(NiFe2O4/FeNi3@C)的复合结构,并且具有最佳的催化性能。当电流密度为10和100 mA·cm−2时,样品的OER过电位分别为307和377 mV,催化性能优于商用RuO2。因此,组分优化等调控方法能够有效的提升镍铁基MOF衍生材料的OER催化性能。


Metal-organic framework derived NiFe2O4/FeNi3@C composite for efficient electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction

Abstract: Reducing the cost and improving the electrocatalytic activity are the key to developing high efficiency electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Here, bimetallic NiFe-based metal-organic framework (MOF) was prepared by solvothermal method, and then used as precursor to prepare NiFe-based MOF-derived materials by pyrolysis. The effects of different metal ratios and pyrolysis temperatures on the sample structure and OER electrocatalytic performance were investigated and compared. The experimental results showed that when the metal molar ratio was Fe : Ni = 1:5 and the pyrolysis temperature was 450°C, the sample (FeNi5-MOF-450) exhibits a composite structure of NiFe2O4/FeNi3/C and owns the superior electrocatalytic activity in OER. When the current density is 100 mA·cm−2, the overpotential of the sample was 377 mV with Tafel slope of 56.2 mV·dec−1, which indicates that FeNi5-MOF-450 exhibits superior electrocatalytic performance than the commercial RuO2. Moreover, the long-term stability of FeNi5-MOF-450 further promotes its development in OER. This work demonstrated that the regulatory methods such as component optimization can effectively improve the OER catalytic performance of NiFe-based MOF-derived materials.


